Chapitre 4: You Can Rely On Me

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Tsukishima's POV:

'Stupid, stupid, stupid !', I thought to myself as I struggled to fall asleep. It was the night after our game against Shiratorizawa, my body & soul felt so heavy and tired. But all I could do was stare at my injured hand, there was a lingering sensation from where y/n held it.

It hurts to admit it but I kinda liked holding her hand. It made me feel safe, in a way.

I sat up from my bed and walked over to my bookshelf, I grab a book and my headphones but then I heard a small whimper.

I paused, thinking it was just my imagination

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I paused, thinking it was just my imagination. But there it was again, followed by a loud sniff. Getting more curious, I leaned my ear into the wall next to y/n's room and confirmed she was the source of the noise.

'What the hell is that pervert doing...?' I think to myself.

I tip-toed out of my room and through the crack in her door, I could see her silhouette. She was laying down in the floor in a fetal-like position. She was breathing heavily so I reached the conclusion that she had been crying for a while.

'Oh... so it wasn't THAT... whoops.' I say quietly to myself.

My hand reached out to her but I stopped, I walked back to my room and laid down on my bed once again.


"Good morning little brother!" -Akiteru

"Morning... where's y/n?"

"Still in her room I think. She hasn't come out yet, do you mind going up to tell her breakfast is ready?" -Akiteru

I walked up the stairs and lightly knocked on her door. "Hey brat, breakfast is ready come down."

Her voice was very quiet and it sounded a bit raspy, I was able to make out a few words. " already ate."

"Suit yourself." I walked back downstairs to tell my brother.

That's strange, she's usually the first one up and in a cheery mood.

Akiteru and I finished breakfast but she still hadn't come down.

I went out for a run, but still nothing. I tried knocking on her door again but there was no response, so I said from outside her room, "My splint came off."

That was half a lie, it did come off but that's because I removed it on purpose in order to see if she would leave her room. And after a few seconds of rummaging noises, she opened her door.

Her hair was tied in a low ponytail that was kind of messy, probably from laying down for too long. Her eyes were puffy and red, her face looked kind of swollen and she was only wearing an oversized shirt. I averted my eyes from her legs and extended my hand out for her to fix.

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