Chapter 10

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"Hello?" The light voice asked and I answered back.

"Hello." I said, waiting for the voice to reply. I could hear their breathing become shaky once the realized I wasn't Vic.

"Vic?" The voice asked and I smiled.

"Think again." I was enjoying this. I looked at the Caller ID, smiling at the name and thinking about how fulfilling and productive this day was going to be.

"Where's Vic?" He asked.

"Let's not worry about him, how bout I come and see you?" I said, thinking how much more I would be enjoying this if Vic was still alive. There was a small hum on the other line and then it went dead. I couldn't help but to chuckle, going back to the kitchen and grabbing a knife from one of the drawers.

I took my time cleaning Vic and cutting him up, I wanted to get as much meat from him as I could without making a huge mess. When I chopped off his head, I looked into his brown lifeless eyes, he was actually a pretty cute guy, which made me wonder what his boyfriend looked like. I remember them kissing before they went their separate ways, but I didn't get a good look of him. I thought about kissing his lips, but then that would only make me more of a creep and animal. So I gently plucked the ring from his nose, and put his head between my arm, carrying it with me to the back.

I went straight towards the barn that I had discovered, going in and seeing the dogs there whimpering. I laughed, they were so crazy and playful and hungry, poor things. I gave them Vic's head, throwing it to them and have them savagely devour it. I looked over the barn a second time, seeing there were chains hanging down low, steps leading up to a scaffolding. Everything all of a sudden clicked at once, and I was more than happy to use this place. I went to the scaffold, pulling the chains toward me and going down, locking them on the dogs. I took them from the barn, not wanting them to really be in here in case I do want to torture someone, I'll have other means of torture.

I took the dogs into the house, taking them upstairs and putting them in the first and seconds rooms to the right. I slept on the left room and that was the only room on that side, the other was the bathroom, there was a third room on the right side, but I might just get another dog to go in there. I went back down the stairs, going to the dining room where the body was, and began to finish cutting it all up. I was going to put some of the meat away, and leave out the rest, serving it tonight. I would love to see Mike and the other's faces when they find out that they're eating Vic.

I laughed to myself, returning back downstairs and getting everything ready for tonight. I took Vic's clothes and put them in a laundry basket, I'll burn them later so no one will be the wiser if I throw them away. I made sure to take his wallet out, taking out over $300 and mentally cursing myself for not doing it to the others. Yeah, I had enough money, but Uncle Grim always took the money from the victims. He always said 'they won't need it where they're going, it's more use to me.' I heard Vic's phone vibrate and I put the basket on the table and grabbed the phone, seeing that it was just a text message. I laid it back down, going to put the meat in the fridge and grabbing the keys to my motorcycle. I had to go to the store, but I could go on the way back, I grabbed the phone and threw it in the trash before leaving the house.

I got on my bike, starting it and revving off down the dirt road and off onto the highway. I had to look up him in order to get the address, not really knowing where to go to even find him. When it pulled up, I found out that it wasn't even that far from the diner that I had went to. I might make a stop there, thinking about the guy that I had seen yesterday and at the school today. I passed the diner, going a few more blocks before noticing a small house, one of those suburb homes for families. I got off my bike, thinking back to what the text said and smiling at the nice surprise he would have.

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