Chapter 27

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Me and Ashley made it safe back to my house in New York with Miley, Tony, and Mike. Tony and Mike were constantly on edge about us leaving, the whole drive they wanted suggested we stop for gas one time. To buy containers to fill with gas and use those the way there instead go stopping. They didn't know what Justin would do, but I'm pretty sure Justin wouldn't dare mess with me now. Everything that I had with me, was all I truly had left in this world and I don't think I can find anything else like this. I know I won't be able to find anything like what Ashley makes me feel.

Our first day and night there, everyone settled in my house, and I made sure Grim's office was locked. I didn't need anyone in there, and it was pretty hard for me to sleep in his bed. Ashley had no problem with it because he was still unaware about everything that had happened, but it still bothered me. I watching him sleep most of the night though, and when he rolled over onto my chest, going back to sleep, that's what relaxer me. That lulled me to sleep, knowing that he was safe and close and in my arms.

He wasn't his best here though, and I could tell. The only time he actually felt like doing anything, was at night, and all he wanted was to talk to Kenadee. He would sit on the phone with her and ask her what she did at school, how her day was, and just plan more things for him and her to do. I would stay close and listen in to the phone calls and sometimes he'd put it on speaker so I can hear. One night, he got so excited because she was telling him how she was now a mini cheerleader and her dad signed her up for gymnastics. I watched him as he read her a goodnight story through the phone. He had brought goodnight moon with us, and he read that to her every night. After he'd get off with her, he'd talk about her for what seemed like forever until he fell asleep. I loved seeing him that way.

The next few days, I got Ashley to do something more than lay around, so he was constantly helping Tony and Mike find a place, while I trained Miley. For all Ashley knew, Tony and Mike were just a couple of guys who worked with me, and Miley was a homeless girl whom I helped. All those were partially true, and even though they were little white lies, I still didn't want to lie to him. I knew I'd have to tell him eventually though. Just not now. By the end of the second week, Miley was just as good as me, and Tony and Mike were moving into their house. And then it was the call that I got that Monday night of our third week here that made all the difference.

-3 weeks later-

Ashley couldn't stop talking about how excited he was that I got Kenadee to come and stay with us for a weekend. Mitch said that he was riding on the plane with her there, and Ashley and I were going to ride back with her. He was more than excited and had been planning out her room since Monday night when we found out. He painted the walls a baby blue, putting princess things throughout it. I bought her a bed, with the guidance of Ashley of course, and he did feel a little bad about me buying it all, but I didn't care. He splurged, making sure she had everything she needed, and I secretly had another room set up.

Grim's old bedroom became mine and Ashley's and my old one became Kenadee's. I helped Tony and Mike find a house, so we were left with 3 rooms. I couldn't bring myself to enter Grim's office, so that was left alone, but the other 2 were simply a training room for combat, which had been turned into Miley's room, and one that was to become my office. I didn't need an office that bad, so I was using that one to make it into my own little type of room for her. I had painted on the walls all significant types of different flower designs and even made a mini castle against the wall. I could see I needed the room renovated more, but I was sure that Ashley would figure out what's going on. I had been secretly working on it while he's been sleeping, and it has been coming pretty well. I bought her a few things, like dresses, more dress up things, make up kits, and even her own puppy and bunny rabbit.

Whenever Ashley asked about the barking of the puppy, I lied and told him it was the way to train them. Isolate them from everything so when they're around anyone but their owners, they're vicious. Now that was true, but I wasn't training her puppy yet, and I'm not planning on to any time soon. Along with her castle, I made her her own mote, little rubber ducks floating around in it. I was truly amazed and proud of how it turned out, but I wasn't so sure about the all pink I had it in. Ashley had mostly baby blue, and very little pink. I mentally cursed myself because I didn't finish until Friday morning, the day she was planned to come. I sighed and went and laid in the bed with Ashley, wrapping my arms around him and laying against his shoulder blade, his body turned from me. He groaned slightly and turned to face me, his eyes still closed.

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