Chapter 41

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I held him in my arms and it was the longest embrace I've ever had, especially with him. He's the love of my life and I just couldn't shake the thought of not having him in my life. His face nuzzled in my chest, and I kissed the top of his head and held him tighter. I watched his eyes clothes slowly and I could see that he was going to sleep, making me smile just a little. I looked at the few bruises that covered his neck and arms and I couldn't see those on his legs because he was wearing sweats. I sighed and picked him up in my arms like he was a baby and held him there as he smiled sleepily.

"I can walk to our bedroom baby." He said and I smiled softly and nodded, starting to walk towards the door.

"I know, I just want to carry you. I just, I feel like I need to." I told him and he nodded, his hand going up my chest and wrapping around my neck as he reburied his face in my chest.

"It doesn't hurt though." He told me and I shook my head.

"You can't possibly convince me otherwise. You just want to be hurt and then you'll go to sleep, then wake up and repeat." I told him and he closed his eyes, mumbling slightly.

"I just wanted to know I can still feel." He told me, and it all pretty much made some sort of sense. He was most likely numb from Jolie's death and just enjoyed feeling some sort of feeling and it just so happened to be pain. No wonder he was addicted to it. I heard him sniffle a little and it hurt my heart, and I was surprised it could hurt more than it already has.

"It's okay baby, you did nothing wrong." I soothed him some, rubbing his back, then opening the door and walking into the house. I watched as everyone was now looking at us and I looked down at Ashley who was sleeping or had his eyes closed.

"Are you guys okay?" RJ asked and I smiled softly and nodded.

"He said yes, so." I told them and the grind on their face were too big for me to not smile back.

"So, when can we expect a wedding?" Mitch asked and I shrugged, looking down at Ashley.

"It's up to him, but let me go lay him down first." I said, feeling his body go slightly limp. I walked past Ashton towards the back room and could hear small voices by the door. I remembered the walls being sound proof, so it peaked my curiosity that I could hear voices. I noticed the door was slightly opened and I listened in a little.

"No, you tell them." I heard what sounded like Cyrus.

"I can't tell them, you tell them. They love you more." Jared huffed.

"They do not, they love us equal. And I love you as much, if not more, than anyone of them." Cyrus said, and I could hear small chuckles before what sounded like kissing.

"They sound adorable don't they?" I heard Ashley say and I looked down to see his eyes were still closed, and his fingers began to trail along my neck.

"They do." I smiled and wanted to tell him to go back to sleep, but I knew it wasn't the right thing to do.

"Do you think if we had met earlier, like when we were younger, before you were a killer, that we'd have been like them?" He asked the question softly and then looked up at me and I shrugged, thinking about it.

"If I met you when you were younger, I'd be doing the same thing I did as when I met you. I would have gotten you away from your father, I would have taken care of you, made you happy, and loved you. But I would have gotten to do it for so much longer." I told him, making him open his eyes and smile at me before leaning up and kissing me.

"I love you." He mumbled against my lips.

"And I love you too." I smiled against his and decided to take him on into the bedroom. I laid him down on the bed and covered him up and he laid there watching me, but when I was getting ready to leave was when he protested.

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