Chapter 25 (Part 2)

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He was lucky he was at a hospital, that way when I was through with him he wouldn't have that far to go for medical attention, that's if I let him live. Simple directions, people can't follow simple directions. For all I know, there could be a whole police fast force waiting outside the hospital for me to arrive in the first place. I knew that I couldn't trust a soul who I came in to contact with down here, I don't know why I had to get so close to him. I will surely die because of him, but if I do die, he's coming down with me, that's for sure.

I drove down the highway, cutting off into another road to keep away a trail of angry cops that I knew was coming for me. I tried to lose track of them, maneuvering through all the cars and trucks that were slowly walking in front of me. I was getting closer to the hospital and that's what I needed. I saw the road sign for the hospital on the next exit, changing into the right lane and getting off at the exit. I cursed at myself, knowing that I wouldn't be able to get in without proper identification and such. I need identification of who I am and who I need to see, I didn't think this part out.

I turned down another road, hoping it would lead me into town and I wouldn't have to go back through a police barricade. It did so after a few minutes, allowing me to pass by the diner freely and I noticed that Mitch's wife was there. My mind went to the conversation that I had with her and smiled softly, thinking about going back to talk to her, but my mind was too focused on Ashley. I made my way to his house and managed to call Tony. I walked into Ashley's house as the line trilled before Tony even bothered to pick up.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Take me to the hospital." I told him demandingly, going in the house and looking around, trying to find a good place.

"I can't. Justin has an APB out on you." I rolled my eyes, seeing the chair in the side of the living room. I ran over, the gun in my hands and pushing it beside the cushion before going back outside.

"I just need you to come drop me off at the hospital, it's no big deal. Now if you don't want me to say anything, you better come." I could hear him sigh through the phone and I smirked a little. I knew I had won.

"Fine. We're coming." He said and I hung up, not replying.

I know it was probably wrong to be holding this against Tony, but what they did to me was wrong. They took away my life, and now they're going to help me make a new one. I stood at Ashley's house, waiting patiently for Tony to finally come. When he did I couldn't help but to look at Mike's disgusted face and I didn't know if he just really hated me or Tony told him what happened. I climbed into the back and sat close to where I could talk to Tony. He seemed to ignore me most of the time and I didn't care if he did or not, I just wanted to act natural in front of Mike. Before we were close to the hospital I whispered in his ear.

"I killed 2 cops." I told him and he looked back at me quickly.

"What? Who?" I smiled and didn't say another word, sitting back. He looked at Mike before coming back to where I was. "What were their names?" I sighed, thinking about if I should tell him or not.

"Bokan and I forgot the other's. So what?" I shrugged.

"Do you want a death wish?" He whispered harshly. "That's why there's an APB out on you."

"Wait, when was the APB issued?" I asked, a little curious.

"Like this morning at 10:30." He told me and I squinted my eyes at him to see if he was telling me the truth. "I swear." He told me and I sighed.

"That's why the cops were after me then. I killed them about an hour, half an hour ago." I told him and he looked confused. "

"It's only just 12 right now. Then what did you do to get the APB?" He asked and I shrugged, then looked at him. The most simplest thing that I didn't expect, he tried it on me and I was dumb enough to fall for it.

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