Chapter 37

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I went to go pick up Kenadee, even though I didn't want to leave Samy's side, I couldn't have Kenadee being driven home by someone other than me. She still was grounded for what she did, and I need to go get her and get her home safely.

When I pulled up to the school, I saw her sitting on the grass next to the parking lot. She and Luke seemed to be playing some type of card game with one another and they seemed to be having fun. I pulled up in the nearest parking spot and turned the car off and got out, watching her look up at me and her face lit up. She an Luke stood up and I went over to them, him holding his hand out to me.

"Nice to meet you again sir." He said, shaking my hand.

"Yeah, you too." I said half heartedly, shaking it back and looking at the two of them. "Are you guys having fun?" I asked and she nodded.

"He taught me how to play a few games and I beat him at goldfish." She said confidently and I laughed.

"That's what I like to hear, my princess is a winner." I said, holding my hand up and she gave me a very eager high-five. "So are you ready to go now?" I asked and she nodded, going to where they were and getting her things.

"Pop-pop, do you think Luke can come over and we do homework together? Please?" She asked and I smiled softly, nodding.

"Sure, why not." I said, watching him go get his things and her waiting on him. I waited for them to walk in front of me, watching the two of them starting to get in and following after them. They started small conversations as I started the car and started to drive off.

"Pop-pop, you should hear how well Luke did in his class today." She spoke excitedly, and I chuckled.

"What class? How good did he do?" I asked and she looked back at him.

"Well, he was doing studies on cases that were closed long ago and had to give a prolonged argument on why the verdict was what it was." She said, all the excitement evident in her face.

"And how'd that go?" I asked and looked at him.

"Well, I didn't really do that good sir." He told me and I looked at Kenadee who shook her head.

"He lies, the teacher gave him a recommendation to work alongside the biggest lawyer in the state and he got an amazing grade." She said and I was utterly impressed.

"That sounds amazing." I told him, looking back at him and his bashful face. I looked at Kenadee and saw her smiling and I whispered to her, but not soft enough. "Why don't you just date this guy instead?" Making her blush and looking back at him. Just as they were about to answer, my phone started to ring and I looked at the ID, seeing RJ's name.

"Andy?" She said when I picked up.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked and I could hear small talking, but not from Kenadee and Luke.

"Well, we just heard about Christian and we're sorry we didn't tell you sooner." RJ said and it kind of hurt that they knew and didn't tell me.

"No, it's fine. I'm just glad that it's over with." I told her and looked in the rearview mirror.

"Okay, but I thought it would be best to tell you one more thing, but if you're busy right now, then it can wait." She said and I thought about it for a second and then answered.

"No, I'm not busy, what's the matter?" I asked, getting strange look from Kenadee.

"Well, James, he's part of the list." She said, refreshing my memory of James Cassells. "He's coming here and he's coming for Christian's body." She told me and I bit my lip, looking at the two of the kids in my car.

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