Chapter 20

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I picked Ashley up by myself, holding him close to me, I didn't want to drop him and I just wanted him in my arms right now. Tony looked back at my cautiously as he led the way, opening and closing the doors for me. I could hear Ashley's faint breathing and I just wanted to hold him so much more closer. To kiss his cold skin, his light blue lips that probably matched the color of my eyes. He was just so adorable and there were so many things going through my mind, me yearning for him every second. My mind was going at full speed with all these things I was feeling right now, and with what I was thinking.

They all were so weird, and so foreign to me still, but I knew that there were some things that I liked about it. The tingling I felt whenever I was touching him, like now, my body was surging with electricity and I liked it. The feeling I got whenever I was no where near him or Kenadee, that was the feeling I mostly hated. It was such an aching pain, and I didn't like having that ache. Whenever he tested me, or was upset with me, or anything, those were debatable. When he saw what I did with what I did to his father and started to cry, that, I never wanted that feeling back.

When he was upset with me teasing him with Kenadee around and testing me, or asking questions, those I liked sometimes. The questions, not so much. It was just, there was no pinpointing exactly how he'd make my body react to whatever he does, and it was annoying because I knew what I did was what influenced him to make me react. I just didn't know what to do for him in order for him to react in a good way to make me feel like when I do when I touch him or am with him and Kenadee.

I mentally cursed myself, forcing myself to quit looking at him and turning my attention to the car and Tony who was ahead of me. He was still glancing back on his way to the car, making sure I was keeping up with him. He reached the car, opening the back seat for me, and then going to the driver's side, getting in. I laid Ashley out on the seats, his neck had a small bruise from where the chains were, and same went for his hands. I sighed, folding his legs up in the seat and then closing the door, going to the passenger's side. Tony started the car, and before moving, even putting the car in gear, he spoke.

"I know you don't want to hear this, but-" I stopped him, already knowing what he was talking about.

"You're right, I don't want to hear it." I told him, hearing him let out a shaky breath before putting the car in gear.

"Andy, just because you don't hear or say it, doesn't make it go away." He said, going in reverse some, then driving down the road.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I just want to get him home, can we do that?" I asked, my voice full of aggravation.

He sighed, looking at where he was going and carefully obeying the traffic law of no speeding down a dirt road. I laid my head back against the seat, my heart racing. I closed my eyes and tried to even out my breathing, but what only made it worse was me seeing Ashley's eyes roll into the back of his head. I cringed at the image, my eyelids flashing open and staying that way. No matter how tired I was, there was no way that I was going to sleep with the image of him nearly dying in my mind. I sat up straighter in the seat and thought about what I was going to do when we got back to Ashley's house. I didn't have anything to do, and I wasn't in the mood to kill right now.

Tony looked over at me and then sighed, and I ignored him, knowing he was still being stubborn on trying to put things in my mind. I looked back through the rearview mirror at Ashley, not really seeing anything but the part of his body that was sticking up. I turned around in my seat, looking at the poor kid I hurt, seeing the bruises that were imprinted on him. I just wanted to hurt myself for what I did to him, I should have been more sensitive. I should have known he wasn't into that, he only did it out of fear of me. He was too scared of me that he'd rather have been chained up than refused me.

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