Chapter 15

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"So that's Kenadee, huh?" I asked, moving past him and walking into the house, getting a good look around. I saw from the corner of me eye, Kenadee in the living room. I looked at the back of her head, seeing her long blonde hair and something clicked.

"Yeah, now leave." He demanded.

"Why so soon, you stayed at my house." I smirked, going further into the house, looking around more. I heard him close the door, then run up in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, trying to keep me from passing.

"Change of scenery." I shrugged and went down the couple of steps into the den. Looking at the beautiful girl that was sitting there before me.

Kenadee was on the floor looking through the movies. I walked over to her, my mind racing, thinking about just how precious this little girl was. I was a little weary at first which doesn't happen to me, or isn't supposed to. I was scared, but I did sit down next to her, looking at her little hands shuffle through the movies in front of her. I had forgot that Ashley was looking at me, so I turned around, grinning widely at him. I liked messing with him, and there was some things that I wanted go down, but I didn't really want to push his limits. But I did want to see how far I could go with her to see him crack, I'd never hurt her though. He ended up coming over to us, sitting on the other side of her and pulling her close to him.

"Did you find a movie?" He asked her and keeping his eyes locked on me.

"No, but can it be a scary movie?" She smiled up at him and held up the purge.

"No, Ladybug, I think that's too scary. It has killing in it." He said to her, taking the movie from her hands.

"What's wrong with killing?" I asked, seeing him get a little aggravated and agitated.

"Everything for a seven year old." He whisper-yelled. I enjoyed that these tiny notions could make him mad or upset.

"Can we watch this then?" She handed him a goosebumps movie. Those movies were pretty lame, so I was somewhat disappointed that she chose it.

"Uh, sure." He took it and crawled to the DVD player and put it in.

He stood up and went over to Kenadee, picking her up in his arms. There was something kind of amusing and precious about how protective he was over her. I kept my gaze locked in on him, his eyes looking at me as he made his way to the couch. He sat down with her in his lap, the movie starting a little. I got up, going over to the couch and sitting down beside next to him. He looked at me from the corner of his eye, then moved over, avoiding being by me.

I couldn't shake the thought from mine that I was here at his house, it was weird. I watched him twirl around in her hair a little, and how close he kept her, looking at me every once in a while. I had this strange urge to move closer, but the one thing that kept me from doing that was the way he held her, looked at her, even the way he cared for. It reminded me of the way I cared for Crow, and it made me miss him terribly. Maybe Kenadee was his Crow, but that still didn't explain why he was so sensitive to when I touched her, or was even near her.

The pizza man soon came, he was kind of weary of leaving her near me, carrying her to the door with him. I took a good look around, looking at some of the movies stretched out on the floor, the many doors down the hall to my right. I turned around, seeing the little girl eating a piece of pizza loudly, as she walked beside Ashley. He chuckled a little at her, coming in and laying it on the table.

He put her into his lap, watching the movie and holding her closely, rubbing her back. I thought it was pretty cute somewhat, I just couldn't stray away from it. I tried to focus on the movie, but the one thing that drew me most to her was her light snoring, making me look and seeing Ashley rubbing her back lightly. She was asleep, and he didn't bother waking her, smiling down at her. I wanted to smile, but that would be so unlike me, and I'd rather not ruin my image. When the movie ended, he stood up, carrying her in his arms, heading up the stairs and leaving me alone.

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