Chapter 1

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I walked into the dark house, maybe I'm no the brightest person in the world. Anyone in their right mind would have turned away or backed out, but I can't help it. I act out on impulse and right now, this was something that I was going to do. I walked up the stairs, holding on to the railing.

The stairs creaked under my footsteps and I smiled at the warning sounds they gave out. My next victims won't even see come it coming, the warning is useless. I stepped off into the second floor hallway, going down the hall. I started opening doors, looking for my lucky victims.

I went to the two doors on my right first. One was just a hall closet, so I went to the other. It was dark, but it was a room, maybe I could add another victim to my list. I walked in and saw a little boy, sleeping with a teddy bear in his arms. He was actually adorable, maybe I could keep him alive for now. I walked out the room and went down the hall to the other doors.

There was 5 doors down this way, my lucky, lucky day. I opened the first one I passed, a sleeping beauty was present. I walked in and looked the room over, just a simple teenage girl's room. The walls were covered in boy band posters and more. I approached the bed and looked at the girl sleep. She rolled over and I clasped my hand over her mouth. She screamed, but it was only faint and heard a few seconds before she was choking on her own blood.

Death was such a magical thing and I couldn't get enough of it. I watched as the blood poured out of her mouth, it sent shivers down my spine.

"Shh, shh." I said, closing her beautiful eyes.

I dragged my hand down her face, over her mouth that was gaped open. The blood went on my hand as I trailed it down from her mouth to the cut on her throat. I pulled my hand away and saw the blood on it, so magical. I rubbed it over my face, across my neck, and chest. It was the most erotic thing you could ever imagine. The metallic substance staining my skin, intoxicating.

I bent down and kissed her lips softly, then backed up, leaving the room. I walked through the hall, opening doors as I went. The next rooms were the laundry room, and a bathroom, but the next room wasn't. It didn't have anything flashy on the walls, but it was in fact a bedroom. I walked in, slowly, the floor creaking, sending out their warning signals. I smiled at how useless they still were as I crept up to the bed and watched the sleeping person.

This one was a male and I'm sure that if he wasn't sleeping he'd be a tough person to take down. That's why I didn't hesitate to take him out right away, sending my knife directly into his chest. His eyes shot open, soft groans escaping his mouth, only to sound like a light whisper. I smiled down at the young man as his eyes slowly closed. I wanted him to remember a happy and peaceful face as he died.

I sometimes liked for people to die comfortably, it was the best thing you could wish for when you die. I looked at the blood seep out of his chest, running down his body onto the floor. Great, now someone's got to clean up his mess. I sighed, pulling my knife out, and walking out the room, Victims 3-4 are next. I went to the door that was all the way down the hall, opening it and allowing the door to creak. No matter what happens, no one can hear their screams or cries for help.

I peeped through the openings of the door, letting myself get a better view of the room. I saw my next two victims laying in bed, cuddled up together. Aww, don't they look adorable, I could just snap their necks.

I walked into the room and strolled casually to their bedside, looking at the alarm clock that read 3:27. This was getting interesting, I've only been in here for 7 minutes and I've killed two people. This must be a new record or something, that's impressive.

I looked at the couple lying in bed and contemplated who shall die first. Maybe I could let her watch, that'll be something that would be great to see. I've never tried that before, maybe I could switch it up a bit. I looked down at the man in front of me and smirked at him in his dream state.

Twisted Fate (Andley) (Prequel/Sequel RebelLove)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora