Chapter 26

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I was slowly catching myself in these situations with Ashley and it made things all the more harder for me. Yes, I told him how I had felt and everything, but it's just the danger I'm putting him and that little girl in. I won't be able to handle putting them in harm's way, and I can't take the girl. Ashley I can protect and when we leave he'll be in my care, but Kenadee, I can't take her. After dropping her off, I couldn't help but to think that maybe someone was following us.

I knew Ashley's scheduled events for everything ever since I got here and learned them, but it's still no telling what would happen. We went to the zoo and for all I knew, we could have been followed. Being the paranoid psycho that I am and wanting to make sure they were alright I had to put an alert on my tablet and hold Kenadee on my neck. I made sure Ashley was no more than an arms reach away. I could tell at some point we were being followed when I showed Kenadee the Polar Bear and the Dolphins, someone bumped into me and then apologized. A normal person would have ignored it, and the fact that they were alone made the most difference.

After seeing him, I knew we had to leave quickly, visiting every place and quickly going somewhere else. I took them go-carting, watching on as Kenadee tried to drive, but was too small. I volunteered to get in with her, helping her by pressing the gas. Me and Ashley would take turns helping her, and I'd always let them win, cheering her on constantly. It wasn't until the last lap that I saw the same man from the zoo, and close by, Tony. He held a gun in his hand and was looking from me to the guy, trying to give me a hint. I shook my head slightly and looked to Ashley and Kenadee who were getting out. When I turned back to see Tony, he was gone.

It wasn't actually a bad time that I had, i actually enjoyed it, but more than anything I wish I could have gotten to that guy who was following us. I had full faith in Tony now, seeing him and how he secretly helped me and everything was good to know I had someone on my side. I knew that I'd have to get him and Mike out of here before Justin hurts either of them. I know that Mike not want to leave, but he'd have to because he won't just let Tony leave alone. My mind cut to Ashley who was in the front seat trying to hide a small smile as we got onto his street. I remembered the dogs and how I had yet to kill the few that were left from when I rescued Miley.

"I need to go somewhere." I told him, pulling into his driveway.

"Okay?" He said questioningly and opened his door. I grabbed him by the wrist, pulling him back into the car.

"I need you to come with me." I told him and he nodded.

"Okay, sure." He got back in and shut the door.

"Okay, but first I need to go get the dogs." I told him, unbuckling my seatbelt and opening the door.

"What do you need the dogs for?" He asked me before i closed the door.

"Practice." I simply stated and went to retrieve the dogs.

I walked up to the house slowly, opening the door and having the dogs whimper. I looked up to see Tony holding them on the staircase, their chains and all. He looked heart broken and I felt bad for him, but I couldn't have Ashley waiting. I went over and took the chains.

"Mike left me." He breathed, tears starting to come down his face and I just couldn't fathom what I needed to do next. I didn't know how to react, but I knew it was all my fault.

"I'm sorry." I told him and he cried more, standing up and walking past me.

"He chose Justin's side." He cried into his hands as he went through the house into the kitchen. I sighed and rushed to him, stopping him, the dogs followed me and stared at Tony.

"Look, it's fine. Just, come with us. I mean, I need an extra person with experience. God knows Ashley and Miley won't be that much help." I told him with a small smile and he started coughing back the tears.

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