Chapter 36

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A/N: this is a continuation, showing what happened before the smut scene. The next chapter will finish and you'll be brought back to that night of the smut and something sneaky that's important for you to know. So bear with me and you will have promised smut in chapter 38. If it's too long, then I will put it in parts. So yeah.6 chapters remaining. Now read on my Cubs <3


"Hello?" The person on the other line answered.

"Christian, I need to meet with you later on. I have a few things I'd like for you to research for me. Ill be over in maybe a couple hours." I told him.

"Okay, yeah." He said and I immediately hung up afterwards, thinking about how tragic this was going to be, knowing that Justin had a spy in on me the whole entire time. If RJ wouldn't have found it out herself, who would have known what would have happened. I looked at my phone, seeing I needed to get to Kenadee quicker, knowing she probably was around that Ashton kid and I had a really bad feeling about him, luckily I was only a few seconds away from the school. Pulling up to the school and seeing her as she smiled.

When I got to the school, Kenadee was there waiting for me with who I guessed was the boy she spoke of. I raised an eyebrow, putting the car in park and getting out and going over to them. He looked pretty nervous and that was a good thing, he better be.

"Hi pop-pop." Kenadee said, jumping up into my arms, kissing my cheek, and I chuckled hugging her back.

"I hope you don't think you can soften me up." I whispered into her ear and she shook her head, smiling.

"I don't, but please be nice. He's just a friend." She whispered and took my hand, leading me to the boy. "Pop-pop, this is Luke, my friend." He put out his hand to me and smiled nervously.

"Uh, hi sir." He said in a formal tone and it kind of was amusing.

"Hi, nice to meet you, what exactly are you majoring in?" I asked him skeptically, then looked at Kenadee who smiled hopefully. "He's okay with me." I told her and she smiled. There were more questions that I wanted to ask, but the look on her face was telling me to take it easy on him.

"Thank you sir." He said, reaching out and shaking my hand and I shook his.

"Yeah, well are you both ready to go?" I asked and she nodded, going to get in the car and I went to open her door to let her in, but Luke beat me to it.

I looked at him questioningly as he watched her get in, making sure that she was in before he closed the door and got in the back. I got in the car and looked at her, then him, seeing how he looked at her and how oblivious she was. I sighed and looked in my rearview, backing out and leaving the campus. I had a reservation waiting for us, I had tried to get Ashley to come, but me and him would have our lunch date a little later.

At the restaurant, I watched this guy, Luke, seeing he seemed to be so much more different from that Ashton kid. There was something about him that just seemed too, I don't know the word for it, suspicious maybe.

"So, what are you majoring in?" I asked him as we sat down.

"Uh, law. I want to be a lawyer." He said and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"What made you want to be a lawyer?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Um, well my father was a British spy and my mom, well I don't remember what my uncle James told me she was. All I know was they did bad things and then one day were gone." He said, looking over the menu that the waiter handed us.

"What would you like for drinks?" The waiter asked.

"All water." I told her and she smiled and left. I looked at Kenadee, then back at Luke. "So you want to put bad people like your parents away?" I asked and he nodded a little.

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