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I just wanted to tell you guys, I am working on two things, and I want to know which I should post. You have Forbidden Love, an AndleyKellic, or you have the Who Done It. I will post 2 chapters of Forbidden Love if you guys would like to read that, but I will only post the preview of the Who Done It. So......?

The reason I won't be posting more than the preview for the Who Done It is because I have to post a chapter everyday for the days in December, so I actually have to wait to post the others:

The Forbidden Love will only have about 10 chapters if that. I don't want to write it as a long story for the simple fact that if I did, it would have death in it and we don't want that.

Ohh, another thing. I'm considering writing ONLY and strictly ONLY fluff stories from now on. I've had so much death I've created and death has actually affected my life like a lot. So I don't think I want to do it anymore. But if you guys want death, then I will give you death.

Also, in the soon to come story thing, I'll be posting the most cringe worthy story that you guys will probably read for the simple fact that I'm going to have it with the worst thoughts and scenarios possible. So, yeah. I'm Andley awful person.

Bye guys, love you.

~Morgan :P

Twisted Fate (Andley) (Prequel/Sequel RebelLove)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz