Chapter 13

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The strange bumping noises and crashing of something was enough to already put me in a bad mood. I can't even get a break, like I need sleep too, I'm not some kind of robot. I walked up the stairs as best I could, making sure not to stumble and fall down. I counted the doors, one by one going to them and getting to the room that Ashley was in. I opened the door and saw him searching under the bed, then he pulled back, sitting on his hind legs and huffing.

"You're weird." I said, watching him jump and turn his attention quickly towards me.

"Can I go?" His voice sounding desperate.

"No." I told him. I didn't want him to leave, especially if he might know something I don't.

"Can you let me call my dad? I'm sure he's wondering where I am." I thought about it, maybe I should. He could have family that's worried about him, or h could just want to call the police.

"No." I said firmly. He wasn't going to risk everything that I've been put in charge of.

"Well can you at least tell me the fucking time?" I wanted to cut his throat open, but I simply thought back to what the time read on the phone.

"10:28." His face turned a dark crimson color, his eyes becoming daggers.

"What the hell? I'm missing my classes right now. I need to go." Aww cute, he was mad.

"Yeah, like you want to go to class." I rolled my eyes at the thought of someone actually wanting to go to school. I've never been from what I remember, and look at me.

"I do. Now let me leave." He said, standing up. It wasn't a question, he was demanding it. I stared him down, he's not going to get away from me.

"Take one step and it'll be your last." I threatened, remembering Justin's words.

Of course, everyone wants to try me, see exactly what I'm capable of. So when he took that first step, I pulled out the knife and flicked it open. He stood there in horror, unsure of what to do now. He backed down a little, his whole mood changing, fright overpowering his body. This was something I loved to see, vulnerability. I looked at him, his eyes were the thing I was eyeing most, thinking back to the dream.

"Can I just go? Please?" His voice barely above a whisper.


"I need to get to class, to work. Please?" I raised my eyebrow, thinking that I could, but it wasn't a good enough excuse. "Please? I won't tell anyone, I just want to go." He begged more.

The look on his face told me otherwise that he was completely done with everything. I could just look in his eyes and see that they were a mirror to how broken he was. Everything in him was pushing him forward, while here I was holding him back. Did he really feel like he couldn't get past me? Honestly, if he used that confidence he had just a few minutes ago, and walked right past me, I'd do absolutely nothing. I didn't want to hurt him, and I wasn't planning on it, I just needed to do as I was instructed. Grim didn't need to be on the run, and neither do I, so I just need to protect that.

"Go ahead." He sighed, giving up. I wasn't positively sure if he was serious or not.

I smiled as best I could muster, taking a step towards him. As I got closer, nearly inches from his face, he closed his eyes. He took a sharp intake of breath and was ready for me to just stab him. Do I really come of that heartless? I looked his face over, looking mostly at his lips because I couldn't really help it.

"Are you seriously going to let me kill you?" I asked him, seeing him open his eyes and nod.

"Why not?" He shrugged. "My life sucks, so go ahead." He closed his eyes and I just wondered what he meant. How could his life suck? He seemed so happy at the diner and so full of life, now he was giving up.

Twisted Fate (Andley) (Prequel/Sequel RebelLove)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt