Chapter 14

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-Smut Warning-

I just needed to drop him off wherever he needed to go, because I have to get rid of this tingling. I mean, it was nice to kiss him to get rid of the curiosity and everything, but it only seemed to make it worse. I revved the bike more, turning off of the dirt road, and getting on to the concrete road. I needed to get him wherever because I could not shake the feeling my chest was now making. It was like something or someone was holding on to it and I jay needed it to go away. I knew it was his fault, this never happened until he came around. I turned my head a little to see him holding on and looking down towards the road.

I sped up a little, trying to get there, knowing at the speed and rate I was going, it wouldn't take very long. I began passing a few cars, trucks, whatever was in my way, just in a rush. The thought of Ashley falling off crossed my mind as he loosened his grip on me, but then tightened it back. I wanted him to be my guinea pig, I needed to see if he was really afraid of death even in the weirdest situations. I could tell that were close to the city, the diner, and the school the further we drove. I could feel him clutching onto my jacket, and I really didn't like it, but it was just a few more minutes until I dropped him off.


When we reached the stoplight next to the school, I saw him looking out to it, probably wanting to go to it. It looked like some of the students were going home anyways, so he was late for that. I felt the strange urge to apologize to him, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I'm supposed to be this cold hearted person, and I will be, I will not turn into some stupid softie like those idiots from last night. The light turned green and I sped off, nearing the turn off that led to the diner. I sped across the road, crossing in front of cars and nearly getting hit, but who am I kidding, I'm invincible. I drove over and parked, not turning the engine off but simply allowing him the chance to get off.

"Do I get my phone back?" He asked. I wanted to give it to him, but there's still the small chance that he'll just call someone and it'll ruin everything. I thought about it hard and then shook my head.

"I'm sorry, I can't do that." I said, revving the bike and getting ready to leave.

"Why not?" He asked and I tried to make up a quick lie.

"I'd rather you not have any contact with anyone who isn't me." I said, taking out the phone and handing it to him before throwing it down on the ground.

"What the hell? Why couldn't you just keep it?" He asked, and I shrugged, thinking about it. I took out his real phone, handing it to him, and swing him look at me curiously. If those guys were really looking out and checking up on everything, then this needed to be secret.

"Hide it. Don't let anyone see." I told him, having him quickly putting it in his pocket. "Don't call anyone that isn't someone you normally talk to. I have a chip in there to check."

"Why are you doing this?" He asked, looking at me with a curious expression.

"Better safe than sorry." I told him, lifting up my grip on the break and lifting my foot as I pressed the throttle and left.

I had my day planned all out, the last of the people I was looking for we're going to die today. With everything I know now, there's nothing they can say to convince me otherwise. I slowed down, taking out my tablet and with one hand looked up their information, and tracking them on gps. I stopped for a quick drink, energy drink, never alcohol. If anything, that'll be the ONLY thing that could kill me, it was vile anyways, so I didn't want to touch it. There was only one occasion I had alcohol, and that was the night I met RJ about 2 years ago, never again will I drink it.

I filled up my bike, making it full before continuing, going to the suburb cul-de-sac, following the red dot on my gps. I ended up pulling into the drive way of a semi-small house, a car parked next to me. I turned my bike off, getting off and putting my tablet in my pocket before going up to the door. I simply turned the door knob and it opened, saved me the trouble of trying to break in. I heard muffled talking in a close room, hearing laughter, followed by some more mumbling. I walked through the house, looking around at the random pictures that hung about. I knew this was the house I was looking for with the people I had been looking for, but were there more than who I expected here? On the wall hung a picture, four guys, two couples, and I began to hesitate in walking any further.

Twisted Fate (Andley) (Prequel/Sequel RebelLove)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon