Chapter 7

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"Help!" That's what I wanted, but I wanted a house to myself. I wanted to be able to not worry about killing for a while. I didn't want to take a break or anything, I just needed some rest. Plus, uncle Grim did this all the time when he needed some place to rest. He would go into a house, me faking being injured and he'd kill whoever was in here. That's exactly what I was about to do when the scrawny man came out.

"What's going on?" He asked, his face confused. He held out his hands to me cautiously, looking me over.

"You're about to die." I spoke flatly.

The look and shock on his face was all it took to motivate me to stab him right in the abdomen. I fiercely pulled out the knife, turning the knife around in side him, and pushing him backwards to fall on the ground. I left the house, going back to pick up the body on my bike. I threw the body over my shoulders, holding on to him as I went back to the house. When I returned, the guy was still laying on the floor, holding his side and groaning. I carelessly stepped over his body, slightly stepping on his shoulder. He winced in pain, groaning more and rolling over, still clutching his side.

I went into the kitchen, seeing that he had an island counter with marble on top of it. With my empty hand I took the set of paper towels off of it, along with a champagne bottle. I set them on another counter, giving me more space. I laid down the body, spreading him out on the counter, then going to one of the drawers. I searched through them all, looking for a knife, until I found a good slicing knife, sharp edge, and pointed blade. I tested its use by running it along my finger, giving myself a small cut.

"Perfect." I whispered to myself, turning around to see the guy who had been lying on the floor, now standing at the kitchen opening. "Ah, a fighter are we?" I asked, clutching the knife in my hand.

"What did you do to him?" He asked with a horrified look on his face.

"The question is, what am I going to do with you?" I smirked and slowly approached him. He didn't take one step, almost like he was ready to die. I looked him up and down, paying close attention to the wound that should have killed him. I placed the knife on the counter just before the exit way.

"I didn't do anything." Blood coming from his mouth at every word.

"Well, you have nothing to worry about, now do you?" I took him by the shoulders, moving him towards the couch.

"Why are you trying to kill me? Take whatever you want. Just, please don't kill me." Now, that would have been cute from a true villain, but I knew deep down, he didn't do anything.

"I'm just making my meal. Just pass out already." I laid him back on the couch, taking my finger and poking his wound. I added a lot of pressure, in hopes that he would pass out from the pain. He eventually did, and I was pretty proud of myself.

Now, it was back to business. I walked back in to the kitchen, grabbing the knife on my way in. When I got to the body, it seemed to have more blood on it than I had remembered. I went to the sink, putting the plug in and beginning to fill it with water. I started to cut the arm, holding it with my left hand, while my right cut. I felt a sharp quick pain come to my arm, and I realized I had gotten shot. I was going to stop, but I'd rather just finish this before the meat starts to stink.

With every limb I cut off, I put it into the water, letting it turn blood red. I let some of the water drain off into the other side of the sink, and laid unimportant parts like organs and stuff in that side. I skillfully cut off his ribs, slicing the skin like it was scissors to paper. I pulled out some remnants of intestines, or left overs of the heart, it was all disgusting. When I got to his head, I just cut it straight off, leaving nothing there. I watched the eyes roll to the back of his head and turn a pink-redish color.

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