Chapter 8

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2 years, that's how long I've been looking for these people. I never knew that they'd know I was looking for them. Changing hair colors, names, occupations, just so I wouldn't find them. It was clearly impressive and I was shocked that they would be able to hide that long from me, but it didn't stop me from looking. I still hunted other people down, asking for addresses, names, places, numbers. I was going to find them, and it was just a matter of time. When I spotted the red head, I automatically knew it was Hayley. She probably thought the search for her was off, but I had just changed targets.

Her partner, Tyler Carter, he had been incognito, and having other people disguise themselves as him. It was pretty frustrating, killing people who weren't him, but when I checked, they deserved it, and I didn't mind doing it. I found out that some of them were in soliciting young women to grown men, a disgusting excuse for human beings. I can't believe I didn't know them sooner, I would've put an end to it quicker. I found out, that not only was Carter involved, but so was Iero, Gaskarth, and Barakat. Iero had a partner who helped and controlled everything in a well mannered way as to not get caught. Too bad it didn't work. Now that I've found this Hayley girl, I can find Tyler, along with Jack, Alex, and Frank's partner Gerard.

I drove my motorcycle in the direction that Hayley had been going in, cutting through the park with someone. I followed behind slowly, watching them laugh and fall over each other. I began to conduct a plan, examining the situation. She was with this guy, they like each other, so there's no way he's a bodyguard or anything. I looked around the place, searching for a way to get next to her without being so obvious. I tried to think of a way, maybe I could tell her Tyler Carter sent me, but I don't even know if they're on good terms.

I slowed down, almost to a halt, and took out a tiny bug I had in a hidden slot on my tablet. I held it tightly in my hand, careful not to smash it as I revved up my bike. I took off down the path, moving over slightly that when I passed her, my hand touched her, setting the bug in place. I turned around, seeing her and the guy yell out something incoherent and it only made me laugh. I watched as she began to run after me, the guy tackling her, but it hardly stopped her. I turned back around and moved out of the way of a lady with a stroller and continued off. She wasn't going to intimidate me, she catches me, she's already dead and she just doesn't know it yet.

After riding around for a few minutes, I stopped and sat on my bike, taking out my tablet and tracking her. I watched her tracking dot beep and move as she moved, but it was showing in the opposite direction where I was located. I had to think of a quick way of killing this girl, because she looks like she will put up a fight with me. It was hard for that guy to even hold her down, she was going to fight back. I sketched out a plan in my head, putting all the pieces together, this was going to happen, even if I die trying, and it's not like that's going to happen.


I pulled up to the place where the dot had stopped, getting off my motorcycle and looking at the building in front of me. It was a series of apartment complexes, and right now, it seemed like there was over 7 apartments. I went to the side of the door, seeing a ringing machine you would use to buzz yourself in. I took out my tablet, hitting the voice recognition button and then buzzed the room marked '4A Williams'.

"Yes?" Small pause. "Who is it?" Small pause again as the voice recognition deciphered if it was her. "Mark, if this is you, then tell Tyler I don't want to be bothered." That was long enough for the tablet to beep and flash green. I smiled to myself, feeling accomplished.

I walked away, going to my motorcycle and getting on. There were a few windows at the front of the complex, but none opened or looking at me. No dark, overcasting shadow hiding behind the curtains spying on me. I got on my motorcycle, starting it up and driving away down the road away from the building. I needed to find a hardware store or warehouse, I've come up with a brilliant plan, and I need supplies. I stopped by a truck on the road at a red light, nicely asking the guy in there for directions to one.

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