Chapter 21 (part 1)

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After I left, I didn't really know where else to go. I guess that was sort of the bad thing about me being here. I was so bound her by Ashley, and if I wanted to leave, I only had one place to retreat to. I went to the big empty house, me noticing more that it was empty other than the last times that it was just spacious. This place was just as empty as I felt right now, it leaked with melancholy dust, dancing along the floorboards. I just simply wanted to go home, that was it, I wanted to go home.

I went upstairs, going to the room that had become the dogs' room, opening the door. They barked and ran to me, practically making me tumble down some with how happy they were to see me. I smiled softly, patting their heads, then ordering them to sit still before I went about going down the stairs, the dogs obediently following. I looked back at them, their heads high, their tails barely wagging, and their tongue wasn't even visible hardly. I knew they were ready for what I had in store for him. It was pretty clear that they had been waiting somewhat long enough for this and I didn't want them to wait any longer.

I went to the bottom of the stairs and stopped, turning around and seeing that the dogs stopped probably the same time I did. I smiled at my mini army, loving them more than anything right now. I snapped my finger and pointed to the step in front of me, having them stand up and walk down the steps before stopping on the step I ordered. I watched them, moving back some and looking at them, their faces were so serious, they were so innocent at the same time though. It was like they did something bad and to try and they knew it was bad, so they were staring at me that way, but their eyes were what erased all innocence.

"Stay." I commanded them, seeing them put their paws out in front of them and lay down.

I left, going into the kitchen and looking around, hoping there was some sign of some meat left over for them to eat, but sadly there was none. I looked in the fridge, hoping that there could at least be some little tiny pieces of meat left, maybe even a bone for them, but it was nothing. I know that I hadn't eaten in a while, but I wasn't aware that all of it was gone. I sighed, knowing that I'd have to go killing now, thinking back to the list Justin had given me. I had killed Patrick already, now it was just a matter before the others were next, and they probably knew which meant I had to act fast.

I remembered Patrick's filthy body was still in the barn, whistling for the dogs to come, having them bark and race over to me. I opened the back door, letting them out and as if they were sharks, their frenzy had started and they were off. I watched them, walking slowly, seeing them go to the doors and scratch on them. When I got to the door they sat down obediently, waiting patiently for me to open the door. I waited a few seconds to see if they would break their stature, but it didn't work. They knew what they had to do, and that's one thing I liked about them. They knew who was in charge.

I opened the door and the dogs stood there, unmoving and waiting for my signal. I slowly walked in, looking back and making them stay at the halting position they were in. They didn't move, so I went over to Patrick's mauled body, pulling the chain a little. His body jumping some at each pool, as soon as the feet were mere inches off the ground, I let go. I went over to Ashley's father, leaning against his body a little, seeing a glimpse of his face from the corner of my eye. I began to fume a little more at what he had done, and I couldn't control myself.

I lashed out, turning around and punching him, my fists flying through the air, never missing a beat. I wished and wanted more than anything for him to be alive right now so he could feel every single punch. I wanted him to know what I would have done to him. I hated myself for not waiting to kill him, he needed to feel my wrath, because the one he felt before dying was nothing to what I would do to him right now. I finally made myself stop, hearing the whimpers of the dogs as they watched me from the door. I looked down at my fist, my knuckles bloody from his somewhat dried blood and openings in my knuckles. I looked at his face, it was more battered than ever, after what i had done, it was hardly recognizable and I was happy about that. I didn't want to see his stupid face.

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