Chapter 31

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"What's wrong?" He didn't answer, so I walked over in front of him and he was looking right pass me. "Ashley? Ash, answer me." I told him and he blinked a few times and then looked at me.

"Someone's following us, and they have a gun." When he said those words, I could feel my blood run cold. I was so glad that Kenadee was sleep and wouldn't be able to hear any of this. I was going to turn around, but in doing so, he could shoot me.

"Ashley, Ashley." I said his name, grabbing his attention for a few seconds. "Look, this is what's going to happen okay? I need you looking at me." He nodded and locked eyes with me. "Now, you're going to describe to me what this guy looks like. When you finish, we're going across the street to that coffee house and calling RJ, okay?" I told him and he nodded, swallowing hard and looking like he was about to faint. I put my hand to his face and looked into his eyes. "It'll be okay. Now tell me what he looks like." I said and he nodded, casually trying to look behind me.

"He's, he uh, his hair, it's spiky and he looks Mexican, like Mike and Tony Mexican." He illustrated and I nodded, thankful that it wasn't Justin. "A-Andy, I'm scared, he's going to shoot us." I laughed softly, shaking my head and pulling Kenadee down in my arms so I covered her body.

"He won't in front of all these people, now come on. Make sure you stay in front of me, okay?" He nodded and I used my good hand to turn him around, covering him as he walked across the street.

My arm shaking from holding Kenadee with just the one and my anger slowly rising. When we entered the coffee shop, I went to a far corner of the shop, seeing a few chairs and a couch. I made Ashley sit on the couch and put Kenadee in his lap carefully. He held on to her, scared to death and I felt bad, this wasn't suppose to happen. I turned around and looked at the window in the front, seeing the guy he was talking about and watched him. He was just standing there, waiting, the gun showing in the side of his pants and bulging from his shirt. I sighed, shaking my head and wondering where Justin finds these guys, they're ridiculous. I looked at Ashley who seemed to be waiting on any instructions.

"C-can I call Tony or Mike?" He asked and I shook my head.

"They're out, I need RJ." I told him.

"B-but they might be able to-"

"Look, i just need you to do as I say, okay?" He nodded and I kissed his head. "Now call RJ and get her, Ash, and Spencer here now." He nodded again and called her, and I waited, looking around. Who knows what plan Justin could have made and got us stuck in. Until I knew for sure, everyone in here was the enemy, maybe except the lady I saw with a baby. I looked towards the window again, the man coming from the park and just casually sitting on the bench in front of the shop.

"RJ, uh, Andy needs your help." He said, his voice distressed and I sighed, holding my hand out for the phone. He handed it to me and I took it, grabbing a seat by him and pulling him into my side.

"RJ, I need you to try and trace this call and get here, now. There's a guy here who has a gun and I have Ashley and Kenadee, there's no way I can take him." I told her and I could hear her talking to Ash.

"Can you not give me the address, it'll take 3 minutes to trace when we could be there." She said and I groaned.

"Fuck, uh, it's on..." I tried to think, looking around and looking outside, seeing a glimpse of a street sign, "it's a coffee house on King street." I told her.

"Okay, we'll be there as soon as we can." She told me and I nodded, looking at Ashley. "Andy." She said.

"Yeah?" I asked and I could hear her sigh.

"We need to talk when we get you out of there." She said and I nodded, knowing she couldn't see me.

"Okay, just, hurry. Okay? Kenadee is sleeping and she'll wake up soon and Ashley is scared." I said, trying to keep calm.

Twisted Fate (Andley) (Prequel/Sequel RebelLove)Where stories live. Discover now