Chapter 16

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I didn't know whether or not to really wake up or not at the sound of shuffling feet above me. I ended up staying at Ashey's house, and it was a bit weird for me to wake up here instead of at my house. When I got up, I could hear him and Kenadee talking, and I was hoping she remembered what I told her last night. She was such a bright and beautiful little girl, and I said I would protect her, and I wanted her to have fun too. I remember all the times me and Grim went into carnivals and fairgrounds, some were to pass the time and wait for it to turn dark, or to kill. Both were fun for me, so it really didn't matter.

I heard some footsteps coming down the stairs and come somewhat in the direction of the office. I quickly got up, going to where the door opened up at and getting behind it, just in time before Ashley opened it. He walked in, I guess looking for his dad, and looked around a little bit. The tension was thick, I didn't want him to find me and really label me as a creep and killer. I heard tiny footsteps and Kenadee's voice calling out for Ashley.

"Coming Ladybug." He yelled back out to her, shutting the door. I waited and listened as the jingling of keys began and then ended just as the door shut.

I came out of hiding, leaving the room and going through the front of the house and heading straight to the window. I watched him buckle her I , and back carefully out of the driveway before wandering. I went back to his father's office, the main place I felt would be a good start to get some background on everything. He had boxes set aside on the floor, papers and documents lining his desk inside and out. The shelves in his room were filled with informational books, some on authors and philosophy, other recreational. Among the walls hung his diplomas, and it was all his awards for things. No where did I see anything of Ashley.

I remembered how his report card had all A's and he most likely had gotten awards for them, I'm sure, but why weren't any hung up. I went to the boxes, thinking that maybe that's where they were, opening them and seeing papers and documents again. I threw the box to the other side of the room and went to the next box, opening it and seeing tapes. I had the thought to possibly go through all these, but I knew they would take a while, and I'd rather do it on my time. I set the box next to me, I was planning on taking it, but I just needed to know what was in these other boxes. I looked in the last one, seeing pictures and newspaper clippings which were of average importance, so I didn't bother them. I put the two boxes back in place and picked up the one next to me, carrying it with me.

I left it on the couch and went upstairs to roam around some more. I went to the first room, Ashley's, seeing everything that was there last night was still there. I was going to look through his drawers, but I'd rather just not, it just didn't feel right lurking through his things. I left the room and went into his father's, it being clean and seemed like it hadn't been touched in days. I walked in, thinking that instead of sleeping in an uncomfortable chair at a desk, I could've came in here. I walked about the room, scanning everything, and going through drawers, but didn't really find anything. It was times like this that I wondered where Ashley's mother was, the house lacking a bit of that feminine touch I used to see in other houses I went through.

I didn't wander long, going back down the stairs and grabbing the box. I didn't want to really over stay my visit and I didn't want to miss seeing Ashley and Kenadee at the carnival. I went outside, going to the side of the house where my bike was hidden and got on, sitting the box in my lap. I started it, looking around at my surroundings, little kids playing around outside with water guns and such. I smiled, revving it up and driving off the grass and onto the street.


I wasted no time in trying to get to the carnival, dropping the tapes off at the house and going straight there. I knew that it Ashley would be aggravated with me being there, but I simply just wanted to look after them. It just felt right to do that, and it's not just that, but that I feel like there's so much more that I need to see. I wanted to see his limits, I had expectations for him and I still needed to test him. I stepped onto the carnival grounds, putting the kickstand down on my bike and getting off. I walked cautiously around, avoiding having to pay for the stupid festivities that I'd really love to not so much as participate in.

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