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June 29th, 2011
Paris, France
Same Night
•••Third POV•••

The romance was in the air, not just because they were in the city of love—but because they are finally taking a big step into their relationship. Amelia knows it's turning back from this again. Prince is grateful that he has found someone like Amelia to settle down with.

Everyone knows this is not his first rodeo, he has been engaged more than three times and been married two times. Amelia knew that getting into the relationship but it's doesn't phase her one bit. This will be a new chapter in both of their lives. The whole ride back to the hotel seems like a dream. Both of them were bouncing in their seats with excitement and joy.

"Congratulations to the both of you," Zeke says they were all in the elevator riding up to the room floor. Prince has his chin on Amelia's shoulder—smiling from ear to ear.

"Thank you." Both of them spoken at once, then giving each other an odd but hilarious glance. Amelia nudges a new fiancé and sneaks a peek at her ring once again.

Moments later they were out of the elevator heading back to their room. Zeke lead the way and made sure they made it in safe before leaving. Amelia kicked off her heels and stretch her arms as Prince takes off his jacket while having his eyes on her.

She spins around facing him with a wide grin on her lips, "We're getting married!" Amelia squealed. Prince watches his bride-to-be dance over to him—he was just thinking that he will see this for the rest of his life—see her for the rest of his life. "Smurf."

"Hmm?" Prince snaps out of his thoughts and smiles sweetly. "Yes, Baby?"

"I love you so much." Amelia drapes her arms over his shoulders as he instantly wraps his arms around her waist. "Never in a million years, I thought I would be in your life. From working with you to becoming your friend and now..." She began getting choke up, he rests his forehead against hers shutting his eyes. "Now we are getting married and created a family. I just want you to know that—that I want to heal your pain."

His eyes cracks open slightly, "Pain?"

"You've been through hell and back over the years, without going into details. I'm gonna try my absolute best to be that best wife and hopefully mother of your child one day." Amelia has a few tears dropping down her cheeks and he was ready to wipe them. He was on the verge of letting out some tears too.

He didn't know what to say—Prince always finds it hard to speak about the past when so much has happened. He knows that this just might be his last run of having a family that he always wanted. This meant the world to him. Amelia just gave him so much hope.

Gently, his lips press against hers for a kiss. Amelia holds his face in her hands as he pulls her body closer to his. Everything flash-by in their minds while sharing this tender moment. Quickly moving by—Amelia brings her hands down to unbutton his shirt. Prince pulls down the sleeve of her dress, marking her step out of the dress and taking a look at her bare chest and nude lace underwear. The two of them continue smothering each other with kisses until they made it to the bedroom.

No time was wasted from when Amelia sat on the end of the bed, leaning back gazing up at Prince with an innocent smile. He tosses his shirt and begins to unbutton his pants but she moves forward doing the honors. She undoes the button and zipper—yanking the pants down and smirking at the fact he was not wearing underwear.

Prince caresses her cheek and pushes back her curly mane of hair. Her hands climb up his stomach then grazing back down where she plants kisses all over. She came in contact with spotting his hip scar, her lips light as a feather kiss the area causing Prince to shiver. Amelia wraps her hand around his length—pumping him tenderly while swirling the tip of her tongue on his head.

LET ME (Sequel to FINE LINE) - BOOK 2 of 3 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now