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October 27th, 2010
Five days later

The past few days I have been living my life so differently. If I was back at Paisley, I would be working like a dog on music, getting business, and rehearsals were done before we get back on the road. Being here with Amelia has been almost like a normal dream for me. She doesn't treat me any different exceptions for a few things like catering to my diet and just making sure I feel at home. I always noticed how well Amelia handles things, she has been this way since I knew her. Doing those foolish household chores I did with her did make me think about a few things. As much as I'm glad I have people to do those 'chores' for me, it brought me down to her world and how she does all of this with no help at all, most women don't have help.

I've been up for a few minutes since I felt that Amelia was out of my arms. My eyes travel over to her as she looks through her closet pulling out articles of clothing. I sit up fully with my arm supporting me, smiling at her humming not noticing I was up.

Things between us have been a bit all over the place, I lied to her and I feel horrible about lying about something so little. Amelia made good points about our relationship. I constantly got a fast pace at all of my relationships, even at this age which I thought I would stop by now. Deep down I know why I do it but I never will tell it. All I want is to have one woman for the rest of my life along with some kids. After my last marriage, I honestly thought it was time to hang up that wish to gave a family and wife. The more you get your heartbroken, the more you realize that maybe this wasn't for you, especially with my lifestyle. I've been so lonely my whole life even in certain relationships. But not with Amelia. So I'll wait because I know for sure this one is it.

"I feel your eyes on me, Nelson," Amelia says pulling me out of my thoughts. I saw her back towards me as she takes out a blazer. "Good Morning." She turns and smiles shyly.

"Good Morning, Honey." I smile back. My eyes flick over to her alarm clock seeing it's '7:45 am'. "Where are you going?" My voice changes rapidly realizing that we haven't left since being here, only a few trips to the drug store.

Amelia comes over to the bed resting her clothes on her ottoman, "Going to work. I booked five clients since we were staying longer." 

She never spoke of this. My eyes widen as she sighs placing her hands on her hips, I cleared my throat. "And what am I supposed to do? Sit here and wait for you to come back in the afternoon? I'm not a house cat or dog." I said with a bit of a snappy tone, I mean this nuts. Amelia arches her brows and crosses her arms, at that moment I knew she was going to snap back. "Melia..."

"Don't 'Melia' me. Whenever I am at Paisley and you are in the studios at all types of hours, I don't say a word. I can have one day of going back to my job before working for you." She says calmly. Amelia comes around the bed to her side and climbs back in. "You can come with me if you want?" She suggests with a wide smile on her lips. I pout my lips out in thought as she sits on her knees bouncing on the bed like a child. "You can see my whole set up and officially meet and get to know my friends. If everything gets too hectic then you can go to my office."

By the way, she talks I can tell she wants me there. Honestly, I don't truly mind going but I do mind the fact I will be out in the open. Her clients might see me, I don't want this city to become a place I can't be free in because so far I've been liking the freedom I have here like back home. Amelia stares at me with those gorgeous brown eyes of hers, pleading for me to go with her today.

I nodded, "I'll come with you." I told her as she squeals with excitement, my eyes shifted at her behavior and she stops herself. At the moment I realized that I do that a lot, I try to hold down her excitement. My hands reach up to her body pulling her closer to me. "Why are you so happy? I met your employees before."

LET ME (Sequel to FINE LINE) - BOOK 2 of 3 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now