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A/N: Hello everyone, just a heads up that this chapter is short because....well it was just meant to be short. Don't get all mad at me😒...Anyways enjoy!💜

August 17th, 2010

"What if she says no? I don't want to over step any boundaries with Amelia."

I heard her sister sighing over the phone. "Listen, if you want her back you gonna have to start from somewhere, Prince. It's been hell trying to sneak around the fact that I speak with you. She had me at her studio every day this week."

Arielle and I have been in talks of her helping me out. I mean if her own sister sees it then I must get a move on trying to get Amelia back after all these years. We have been talking behind Amelia's back for a few weeks now. Oddly I found myself speaking freely to Arielle, she understands our situation and wants her sister to be happy. I want the same thing.

"You better been keeping your mouth shut." I mentioned as she smacks her lips.

"I am, don't worry about me. Worry about your plan. She's-Damnit she's calling me on the other line." Arielle says. "We'll talk another time but get a move it, Prince!" She hangs up without saying goodbye. I shook my head at her silliness and throw my head back looking at the ceiling of my office.

That night when they both came over for dinner, it felt too real. Obviously it was real and happening but never did I think Amelia would step foot in Paisley Park again after what happened. I remember the day she left so clearly. The scene she made. My employees were having a good show of her yelling and screaming at me. It was truly embarrassing but I deserved it.

I move my head from looking up to glancing at my bookshelf seeing a few frames photos. Though our time together seem short, we shared some beautiful moments. A photo of her sits on one of the shelves-a polaroid photo of Amelia that I took after a jam session show. She's smiling widely with her tongue out flashes two peace signs.

A knock at the door pulls me out of my thoughts. "Come in."

"Just me, boss." I heard and saw Zeke coming into my office, shutting the door behind him. "You wanted to see me earlier? I was on break."

I nodded while shifting myself in my chair. "Yes, I need to speak to you about something. It's more on the personal side but it will not leave this room. Understand?" I said strictly. I can trust Zeke, he's been on my team for years and saw lots of things and sides of me.

He nods gently with his arms at his sides. "Yes Sir." I gesture him to take a seat which he did right in front of my desk.

"How you feel about Amelia Jackson?" I asked.

"She's a wonderful talented woman and friend." He answers. He smirks. "How do you feel about her?"

Usually I would have knock that question down but the smile on my face already gave me away. Zeke leans back in the chair and smiles. "P, I believe you are blushing."

I know I am..

I waved him off and shook out of it. "Listen, I'm thinking about making her apart of team again. I need a new photographer on tour and I think she would be a good fit."

Zeke nods, "Okay."

"Okay." I said back.

He stares at me and smiles, "Okay? Prince, I'm confused here. Just ask her." He laughs.

"See that's the problem." I snap my fingers. "She not the same person from '99. She had her own business and life ahead of her. I don't know if she wants to go on tour with me and be my personal photographer again. I don't want to...how can I explain it..."

He interrupts me, "You don't want to get rejected, P. That's understandable." Zeke takes the words I was think out of my head. "Stop me if I'm wrong but..." He pauses before opening his mouth against. "I don't know everything about what happened between you two but I got the jest of it. You're right she's different now, she's a grow woman now. Amelia is a wonderful woman and very hard working too. Prince, if you want to make her see that you want her to be on tour with you then make her see that you need her. Don't make it seem like she needs you because truth is she doesn't."

Everything he's saying is completely true. Amelia don't need me. I've been having the idea of people needing me for years but for the first time I realize that she doesn't need me. Her life is exactly the way she wants it from what I can see and heard about. But I need her.

"I do need her, and usually I don't need anyone." I whispered. "I don't even know how to tell her this."

"Just ask her and tell her why you need her for tour. It's not rocket science, P." He jokes as I shot him a playfully glare. "Why are you so nervous?"

"Because I-" I stop myself looking into Zeke's eyes. He watches me curiously while I stay stuck for a moment in thought.

You love her...

"I-I love her." I mumbled softly in the process of him being shock. "I haven't been close to a woman since Manuela and I want her to love me back. After everything, I just want to fix things between us. Amelia is something special."

"Wow." He whispers.

"And her sister knows. The one that she came here with. She gave me an earful and knows that I want to get Amelia back." I just started spilling everything to Zeke. If feels good to have someone to speak to about this situation. "I just don't want to lose her this time. I still plan but I want it to be still in a slight friendly manner. I don't want to scare her off since we both said we would take getting back to normal slow."

Zeke shakes his head then glances up at me with a grin. "Well Boss, I think you have to some planning to do and if I can, I would like to help you. You deserve to be happy."

It's been years since I was happy...


A/N: Hey everyone💜 hope you enjoy this little bit of a chapter. I've been a bit down lately so I really haven't had the energy to make a long chapter this week😕

Poor Prince, hopefully he will find his happiness again💜 and I love Zeke🤣❤️
Do you think Prince is moving quickly about asking Amelia to work for him again?

Comment and give this chapter a vote please💛

Bye bye

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