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August 9th, 2011
Budapest, Hungary

For the past few weeks, I've been watching Prince perform for the sidelines. It's been great just to sit back and enjoy relaxing as I should be. I'm back to my normal sleeping and eating habits—honestly, I've been putting on more weight from it so I need to get back to working out. My wrist is still a bit sore but I don't have to wear that brace any longer. Prince had his eyes on me at all times, if he was at soundcheck then someone stayed back with me.

Other than that, he rarely did any longer after shows until three in the morning and always made time to have breakfast with me in the morning. He knows that his behavior affected me so he's trying to get on a regular routine himself.

The show has ended about an hour ago and I'm back in the hotel working is a few things for the documentary. I didn't get back to 'working' until last week—only working from my computer since Prince has brought in one of his old photographer friends to finish the last three dates before our hiatus.

"I need to get a move on this..."I spoke to myself while running my finger through my hair. This documentary has to be perfect but I feel like that it's not going how I wanted. I know nothing about putting a documentary together.

But I do know someone.

Grabbing my phone off the table and hurried to unlock then scroll through my contacts. I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner but I have a great friend who knows all about what I'm working on. He can help me, I know he will. Benny is a good friend of mine and he happened to be my ex-boyfriend but that ship has been sailed years ago. We haven't seen each other for a few years but we always stayed in touch. Instead of calling him, I shoot over a simple text.

Amelia: Hey B! It's been a while but I needed to speak with you about a few things that you would know about. I'm on a project for a documentary. You know I know nothing about that...but you do😂 Text me when you have the chance😊

Hitting send—I then laid my phone on my stomach and rest my head back closing my eyes. Prince said it's no after-show tonight but something tells me he changes his mind. Feeling a light buzz on my stomach I lifted it to see that he texted back.

Benny: Amelia!! It's has been a while, hope you are well. Congrats on the project, but I do know that you know nothing about it😂😂

Benny: I don't mind helping you out, Melia. What is the project about? What do you exactly need help with?

That's the thing. I can't come out and tell him about the documentary is about Prince, we are keeping it unwraps and certain people have to sign off on it.

Amelia: Well I can't say....it's a top-secret project for now but I will say that I need help with a lot of shit.

Amelia: I got certain equipment but I don't think it's right. My research is going well but I feel like I'm missing something😕

Benny: This is your first time so it will be hectic and stressful but I got you, girl. I have some equipment you can have and I'll give you a few books on the matter. They helped me loads.

Benny: Should I send them to Paisley Park?😏...Yeah we have to talk about it.

LET ME (Sequel to FINE LINE) - BOOK 2 of 3 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now