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October 27th, 2010
Same Day

Watching Amelia run around handling clients and studio. I tried my best to stay out of the way because I did not want the attention on me. By the time noon rolled around, I was in her office reading a book of poems she has. As I turn to the next page in came Amelia with her camera and he closes the door behind her. She takes off the camera resting it on her desk as I place the book down.

"I'm sorry I dragged you here. It's so freaking boring for you and I feel so—"

I cut her off by holding up my hand, "Honey, I'm fine. I probably should have brought my guitar or something, but I like being here. I peek in on some of your sessions."

She smirks coming around the desk leaning in front of me. "I know, some of my clients saw you." Amelia takes off her blazer and rolls up her sleeve showing her painted arms. "Only six more hours to go. I have to still stop at the grocery store, dang it." She hisses to herself while nibbling at her nail. I move my hand up to stop her from the bad habit. "Thanks."

"What do you need from the store?"

"Uh...food," Amelia says in a knowing tone. "I don't think you've seen my fridge lately, and we've been getting take out constantly." She then snaps her fingers and points at me. "Also why do you call me honey now?" Amelia laughs.

I lean back in the chair licking my lips gazing into her eyes, as my hand rubs my chin. "Because you taste like honey, Honey." I wink sly as she stares me down with a smirk on her lips. "Now, how about I get everything you need?"

"You? Go shopping for groceries? HAHAHA HAHAHA!!!" When I tell you this woman was hunched over laughing her butt off, she had tears coming to her eyes. I watch her double over with laugher while I was being serious. "Prince, you can't be—oh my god you're serious?" She stops her cackling to see I was being one hundred percent about it.

"What's so funny about me doing one simple task?" I stood up with my arms crossed hold an attitude.

Amelia reaches out putting down my arms, "Baby—I'm sorry for laughing but you haven't been in a public store on your own in thirty years. I don't want you getting tackled because you did something like getting some food for us." She explains which seems right.

"I'll call Zeke or Kirk, they are at the hotel. One of them can come with me." I let out my thought. Amelia still seems nervous like I'm her child and she has to watch over me. "Melia, write out a list and I'll go. Please just do it."

With some thought, she nods silently and turns around facing the desk grabbing some paper and pen. I watch her write out the list of items quickly. "Are you on your lunch break?" I asked as my eyes glance down at her round bottom, it pokes up while she's bend over.

"I am. I'm not that hungry though." She tells me. I peek over her shoulder while standing behind her, my hand rests on her back. "Nelson..." Amelia warns me.

I smirk, "What? I didn't do anything."

She stands back up with a finish list, facing me with a smile that she'd trying to hide. "You are trying the start something in here." Amelia takes my hand into hers and brings me along with her out of the office before grabbing her camera. "But I have other plans. Can I do a few shots of you?"

I was actually thinking about something else to do but I nodded along as she smiles happily pulling me down the hallway quickly. We enter the room where her set up is, I saw Robyn moving around some lighting equipment with a basic white backdrop in place. Side eyeing Amelia, I pull at her hand.

"What is this for? I don't have any makeup or change of clothes." I mention.

She rolls her eyes, "You don't need any of that. I just thought I could catch you at your natural state." Amelia smiles turning to her employee, "Robyn, make sure either Tony and Ricky, whoever is free be upfront. I need you in here."

LET ME (Sequel to FINE LINE) - BOOK 2 of 3 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now