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December 18th, 2010
New York City

"Just get it done, alright. I'm not going back and forth with everyone."

  Once you heard those words, you knew it was going to be a more difficult day in-store. Prince must have woken up in a bad mood which can happen just because of anything. We are in New York for the upcoming month or so staying in Prince's apartment space here.

  I left the bedroom after I got dressed to see Prince in the hallway speaking with Kirk. They both looked over at me and I threw up my hand waving while making my way into the kitchen. The two of them kept on talking—loudly about whatever is pissing off Prince and I know Prince will carry on his bad mood and energy towards everyone today but this is the first show in NYC. Plus if that bad energy rubs off one Gemini to another one, it won't be a pretty sight.

Prince must have sent someone for food—when I told him I could have cooked—I saw a few items from the cafe on the counter. A coffee marked with Caramel Macchiato with extra caramel and almond milk is for me. Since being around him for the past three-four months, I've had this new tolerance for only non-dairy milk. I like the almond and oat milk he had me try out but I'm still working on the Soy one.

Opening the bag I saw loads of sweets when I told him again that I was watching what I eat but it's no use since he thinks the only thing I should be watching and stopping is eating meat. But it's the Christmas season so I guess I can go easy. I grabbed an Apple fritter then headed back into the bedroom with my treat and drink.

Soon as I enter the room and an idea pops in my head, I take a big bite of my fritter and sip my drink before placing them on the side table. I knew going back to my house was a great idea because something told me that I will need these candles.
   In one of my suitcases—I packed up some black candles. Back when I was in rehab this woman introduced me to them, they are used for cleansing and purifying. Black candles get rid of negative and bad energy along with stress. I also use sage candles as well. Honesty, I don't know how Prince will agree to this but I need to use them for myself if he will have this attitude of his.

Closing the curtains, I set one black candle and one sage candle near a lounge table and chairs in the large bedroom. "He has matches around here somewhere," I told myself because he loves lighting candles. Stepping out of the room going back into the kitchen.

Prince walks in after me and remains silent. Not a 'Good Morning' or a kiss whatsoever. He takes his cup of tea or coffee and leans against the counter as I look around in drawers to find some matches or a lighter.

"Good Morning, Mr. Nelson." I test the waters with him and glance over my shoulder. He nods then gives me a weird look since I said his last name. "Is everything okay?"

"Morning, Amelia," Prince speaks softly after sipping from his cup. I found what I needed in the last drawer. His tone threw me off completely. "What are you looking for?" He ignores my question and asks one of his own.

"Matches," I said while waving them in the air. "I heard you speaking with Kirk—"

Prince cuts me off hastily, "Everything is fine. None of your concern, alright?"

Okay...let me just take a few deep breaths. I forget that sometimes it seems like I'm taking care of a grown man-child.

I raised my brows at him as he sips more of his drink. Going over to him—I stood in front of him and crossed my arms. "So this is it?" I chuckled.

"This what?"

"The Moody Gemini Prince," I spoke freely as he frowned. "I heard about it from many people. I know you probably know this but you have many sides of you, Prince."

LET ME (Sequel to FINE LINE) - BOOK 2 of 3 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now