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August 29th, 2010

Prince stayed over for a little while longer that day until his flight back to Minnesota. I tried my hardest to keep a smiling face and not shed one tear in front of him. Once again he breaks me. I honestly broke myself for even thinking that he would actually want me after everything. I acted like a maniac when I found out he cheated on me. From yelling, screaming, and the occasional slapping and hitting him. I remember him trying to calm me down constantly but I snapped completely. Those were anger issues I didn't even know I even had until that very moment.

I don't blame him for not wanting me like before. We've changed and maybe for the better but I'll always love Prince. Not just as a friend or the artist, I'm in love with him and it took me so long to realize that. I have always been trying my hardest to push it down and hide it from everyone. But now we are just friends and possibly soon to be coworkers. My mind is still thinking about this whole situation of being his personal photographer again but this time on tour. I'll have to muscle down my true feelings for him while being around him constantly. It's no way off a tour bus or plane. Sometimes tells me that Prince will try to crack me because of my odd behavior but if I do go.
Prince makes me giddy all over like a teenager sometimes and it's not because of his 'fame' or the singer side of him, he's just his personality and how he treats me. He treats me like I'm the only person on earth, constantly showering me with all his attention if I need it. Prince notices things about me that I never saw. And that's one of the reasons I love him.

It's been a week since we had that conversation and I've been ignoring him until I figure out what I'm going to do. The thing is he told me that I have all the time in the world but I need to get this in order because I have other things like my studio to tend to. My heart is telling me to go and travel with him.

"Okay, what's on your mind?" Toni taps my shoulder while having a cherry lollipop tucked inside of his cheek. "You've been staring at this blank sign-in book for five minutes. Is this about your date tonight?" He winks as I shook out of my thoughts.

I forgot about this damn date that Robyn set me up on with her cousin. Though Robyn is three years younger than me she knows this guy that's one year younger than me. I've seen his picture and he's pretty good looking if I must say myself. Honestly, I'm not looking for a love connection on this date, just something to take my mind off of a man in Minnesota. Maybe he will be someone for me?

"No, I honestly forgot about it. It's over things on my mind." I shrug while turning to him fully resting my arm on the counter of the front desk. "I got a job offer for a few months."

His eyes widen, "But you work here. This is your studio."

"I know but this is Prince, Toni." Soon as I said that, he cranked his neck back in shock. "Toni, don't go crazy okay?"

Luckily we aren't completely open yet because he begins calling Robyn and Ricky to the front. "Get y'all asses up here! It's a code red!" He yells.

Code red? What the hell?!

Two of my other employees came jogging in the front of the studio as I sigh loudly giving Toni a glare. He starts speaking, "Our boss, our fearless leader, and best friend got a job offer with the one and only Prince."

Ricky gasps, "You serious?!"

"Are you leaving us?" Robyn asks instantly. I rubbed my face in frustration because I wanted to tell them all but not like this. "Amelia, what's happening? I mean if you go, I understand. We all do."

I drop my hands and laughs, "You all act like I didn't work for him before like this would be my first time. It's just Prince." I shrug nonchalantly.

That's when they all gasp at my words as I spoke foully about him. Ricky rests his hand on his chest as if he was clutching his fake pearls. "It's just Prince, HA! Baby, we know you and him are friends or whatever but this is Prince. He gave you your opportunity to shine. How long is this job?"

LET ME (Sequel to FINE LINE) - BOOK 2 of 3 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now