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December 11th, 2010

So, some time has passed by and I don't have much to catch up on. The rest of the 20Ten tour went smoothly, Prince, the band, and I had a blast for the last few stops over Europe. Often, I would wake up and feel like I was in a different universe because I don't think I will ever get used to the way Prince travel and tour around. The only thing that didn't go as the plan was for Prince to meet my family over the time for Thanksgiving. We didn't fight nor argue about the fact he had things to take care of in LA and meet with some people for whatever business purposes. He felt bad about not making it but I told him the next family gathering that he has to be there. My family knows I'm dating someone, but they have no idea that it's my old/reinstated 'boss' who happens to be Prince. Now the next gathering is Christmas, I don't know how that will work.

My business back home is still going strong, I hired a new Photographer last month since I will be gone more often. Prince and I have some kinks to work about my work back home and working with him as well. The new tour is starting soon so we have to get a move on it. As for our relationship, things couldn't be any better. We listen to each other more, barely any disagreements and all the love is there. Prince has been opening more and more each day. It's things I have never seen from him in the past that I'm seeing now, like his boyish charm and annoying habits that drive me crazy but I love them because he's so darn cute. He made me feel at home, not just at Paisley, but in Minnesota is general. This place is like my second home now—especially with this winter weather. Sometimes Prince has his moments with that Gemini like behavior that can get a bit moody from time to time but I try my best to either leave him be or stay as much out of his way.

Now time for me, I did some changes too! My temper has been lower along with the sailor mouth I have—sometimes a bad word or two slips out but I never slip up around P anymore. He's proud of me for that. I'm adjusting to his lifestyle in my own way of handling it. Honestly, I'm the same person back in Buffalo as I am here. I clean up after myself, try to cook as much as Prince will let me. The one problem is not being able to leave on my own. I can't drive nor leave Paisley Park without not having Prince, Zeke, or Kirk by my side. Oh, and I haven't been back home to check up on my house since Thanksgiving. It's two weeks into December and we are going on tour again in one week. The man hasn't even made an official announcement of the tour, I mean God, he has only told me minor details!

I will miss just laying around with him as time goes by. We get things early in the day so we can spend the rest of the day with each other. It could be chilling in his studio, him or I reading to each other, playing silly games in his game room, or...

"Y-Yes, right there. Oh my god!" I moan loudly as my head lays against Prince's shoulder and water showers down over us. His arm around my waist while thrusting into me from behind as his hand is up gripping throat—whispering lustful words in my ear.

The sex—or shall I say love-making has been something that I honestly can't fully describe at all. He has always known how to work and treat my body but we've had this extra kick in both of us where it's to a point that we can give each other one single look, and it's on.

Prince slows down his hips into mines and begins leaving a tender sweet kiss down my neck before plants his lips on my shoulder. The hand around my throat reaches up to my lips, rubbing his thumb. My hips grind into him hungrily moaning his name without any care in the world who could hear. He hits my spot by going deep. "I still go more to give, babygirl." He whispers seductively as I gasp in the process of leaning against the wall crying in passion. "What was that?"

"Give it to me... I want all of you." I whine, arching my back as he holds onto my waist—digging his nails into my skin. "Fuck me good." My first time letting out a curse word in front of him for over a month, a cocky smile sits on my lips.

LET ME (Sequel to FINE LINE) - BOOK 2 of 3 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now