613 27 2

December 14th, 2010

"So how's everything back there?" Prince mentions my small trip after we got the hard stuff out of the way.  I grab my backpack, opening the top digging around for something that belongs to him.

"Fine, I told you I just needed to grab some more clothes and equipment." I laugh lightly, finally finding the beanie hat he left at my home a month ago. "Also my brother set up this alarm system that I can monitor from my laptop while we are on tour. And this is yours." I spoke and gave him the simple black beanie hate he's been talking about like he doesn't have five here at Paisley.

Prince smiles taking the hat and gives me another squeeze then makes a puzzle expression at me, "Alarm? Have someone try to break in? Are you sure you are okay in that neighborhood?" Here's his protective side.

I patted his hand and grin. "Baby, I just want to be on the safe side when I'm not there. My mother checks on the place and I live in a great neighborhood, you saw." I re-jog his memory from the last visits he has had. Prince still looks unsure, I sigh heavily while smirking. "What is it gonna take for you to realize that I'm fine in Buffalo?"

"What is it gonna take for you to realize that I want you to be here?" He whispers—gazing into my eyes, dropping the hat beside him, and taking hold of my hand. I held in my breath looking back with widening eyes. "I hate to spring this out of nowhere but-"

"Then why did you say it, Prince?" I ask back in the same tone of his as if other people could hear us. He frowns—on edge to say something smart but I continue to speak, "Listen, we have been together for what--about three or four months? We were engaged for ten days and then-"

Prince cuts me off, "You called it off." He snaps. I raise my brows—my hands are still holding his as he seems to be getting all riled up again.

"Because you lied to me about something so simple," I said back cooly and he sighs shutting his eyes. "P, just know this—look at me please." My hand squeezes his as he opens his eyes, looking guilty but I know he means well. "Just know that I would do anything for you but right now we need to get over a few hurdles to make sure this relationship is locked in. I'm not trying to be difficult or a bitch." He gives me a look about my slip up but I brush it off for now. "I still have to get used to this life and the way you do things. This tour will test us—I want us to see if we can handle life on tour and a relationship."

He shifts in his seat next to me while looking around his office, Prince knows I'm right. These next two years are a major test for both of us. The man rubs the back of my hand with his thumb. Dropping his eyes to our intertwined hands. "I understand where you are coming from, Amelia. I truly do. As much as I don't count on it—I feel like we are wasting time." I sat there in disbelief with his words. "Eleven years went by and now I just want to move...well fast." Prince slowly gazed up into my eyes, taking one of his hands to brush back some of my curls. Something I rarely see is in his eyes, it's fear mixed with sadness. "I want so much but I feel like I'm pressuring you."

Prince does want a lot from me but I knew that when I agreed to this relationship. He wants loyalty, love, communication, passion, and much more. Prince wants to have someone who can be a friend and lover. He never wants to be lonely. Everything must go his way but I sometimes have to stop that from happening before he has this control over me. I know he wants me to live here in Minnesota. I know that he wants me to be his wife and be the woman to give him children after too many losses and failed love. And I want to do that but it takes time.

"Well, I don't feel pressure at all, I know you want a lot to happen, and trust me, I do as well." I pull one of my hands from his and touch his smooth jaw, he rubs his cheek into my hand while flashing a very small grin. "Just please be patient with me for a few more months, that's all I ask. I want to stay focused and not be in your way when it comes to your work."

LET ME (Sequel to FINE LINE) - BOOK 2 of 3 [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant