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October 20th, 2010
Copenhagen, Denmark

"Angela, calm down," I spoke into the as I speak with both of my sisters on a three-way conversation. "Arielle only knows because she and I went to Minnesota and she was in my business."

My younger protests, "Aye now! I just was curious about why he was flirting with you so much. They mad cute, Angela." She then gushes making me smile. "Stop being stingy. You told me more stuff then Amelia, you just think you are always supposed to be the first to know."

Angela huffs, "That's beside the point. Amelia, you are dating the same man that cheated on you? The same man that you were depressed and drunk every night over. Fuck that. He hurt you and I guarantee the muthafucka gon do it again." She speaks forcefully as I grip the eyes phone tightly trying my best to not spazz the hell out. Prince is in the shower, I don't want him coming out and finding me cuss out my sister because she doesn't approve of us. "And that nigga is WAYYYY older than you! If Daddy was alive, you know he would beat you behind for going out with someone damn near the same age as him. Imagine what Mama, Mari, and Shawn gonna say!"

I raise my hand up as if she was in my face and begin pointing with every word. "And you ain't gonna tell them shit. I swear to god if I hear shit from Mama or our brothers, I will sucker punch yo ass until next year." I meant every single word as she says silence along with Arielle snickering. "Arielle!"

"I-uh-yeah." She snaps out of them laughing.

"Don't slip up and tell my business again. As for you, Angela, don't baby me or treat me like your kid because I'm damn sure not. You've done this constantly trying to meddle into my relationship and tell me what I should and shouldn't do. I'm thirty-four years old. If I want to travel the world with my boyfriend for a few months, then I can. If I want to get back with a man that I was once if, I can." I stressed to both of them while trying to remain calm but my blood pressure is rising. "I'm with him because I'm happy. Not to please you or anyone else. So be mad. I don't care but this is my responsibility, my love life, and my relationship."

Angela huffs once again and smacks her lips. I know she's going to say something else smart. "Well, I still don't like him for what he did.

With that, I hung up on the conversation. I don't have time to argue with anyone, blood or not. She and I use to be close but when she got married and had my niece and nephews, her whole attitude towards me and the rest of the family except for our Mother. Angela thinks she's all that and a bag of chips because she married a Councilman on the board of our city. She has the perfect family, 'perfect' husband, and 'life'. It's crazy that she doesn't want to say for anyone else.

••• Sooooo can we talk separately or are you gonna hang up on me too?😂😭

••• I'll call you😂

I dialed her number and lean back in the chair as I hear her pick up. Instantly Arielle begins to laugh loudly in my ear while I wrote in my book a few topics and little things I need to remember.

"She deserved it. You thought I was going to let her keep talking shit when I'm trying to be civil, Nope bitch! Click done, end of the conversation." I told Arielle while a smirk plays on my lips. I may be the middle child and seem like the nice one but when it comes to certain people like Angela, I will let out that bitch side. "She thinks I don't think that I made have move fast or something."

"You think you moved fast?" Arielle catches. I knew she would. "Amelia, Prince is your soulmate. I've seen it with my own eyes before you we're together and I hear the way he talks about you to me. He loves you. You love him."

LET ME (Sequel to FINE LINE) - BOOK 2 of 3 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now