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November 1st, 2010

At the crack of dawn, we flew to Minnesota just to fly out to Rome later night. Amelia slept for the whole plane ride and even when we arrive at Paisley, though I want to talk to her about something important, she should get her rest. Once I help her into my bed, I gently took off her coat and boots.

"Where—Mhmm, where are you going? Lay with me." Amelia slurs half asleep as I smile lightly. It's all on her for staying up late just to watch them clueless mystery shows.

I cover her body with a blanket while leaning down. "I have some things to get done before we leave tonight. Get some sleep, when you get up just find me, Okay?"

Her eyes are shut but she nods her head while snuggling close to the pillow. My lips kiss hers sweetly before I left the room having Kirk waiting on me. He and I left my private quarters for my office.

"Is he waiting in my office?" I ask Kirk as we walk through the halls.

Kirk nods, "Laura told me that he is." He turns to me. "You haven't seen Don in a few months, what's going on?"

Since Kirk and I are close, I guess telling him this information wouldn't hurt. "I told him about Amelia, I needed him to find a few things plus I finally need to make a Will," I said simply as he stops in his tracks and grabs my arm. My eyes widen slightly and I shake my arm from him. "What?"

"A Will? You ain't dying on me, P?" He begins getting frantic by the second, I stare at him blankly as a few people pass us by. "Did she put you up to this?" Kirk spoke with some hatred under his tone when he said that. I raise a brow while folding my arms.

"If you are talking about Amelia, then no. She knows nothing of this...yet. Listen, man," I take a deep breath knowing I just might spazz out but I stop myself. "Just make sure that everyone gets here before we leave tonight. I have to go." With that, I left him standing there like the fool he is.

We are leaving for the rest of the tour dates, the next stop is Rome, Italy. Before we leave I had to get some things together. I called up my lawyer when I was with Amelia this past week so we can meet and come up with some plans IF something were to happen to me. As much as I don't speak on it too often nor like to mention my age but I am getting older. I have great energy and have a wonderfully healthy lifestyle but you never know when the lord with take you to the next step in life. I have complete faith that Amelia and I will be together until the end of time, even if something happens where we—I truly hope it doesn't happen— where we break up or end things for whatever reason, I want her to be protected for life. She is the only person I trust with anything I leave behind. Paisley Park, other properties, my music, money, all of it.

I enter my office seeing my lawyer of twenty-five years sitting in front of my desk. Don stood up as I approach him with a handshake and hug. He has been there for a lot of things, good and bad, two failed marriages, and many lawsuits I made against people. And even some that were made against me.

"Hey man, how ya doing?" Don smiles.

I smile back genuinely, "I'm alive and well and happy so I can't complain at all. How's Rosie and the kids?' I gesture him to sit at I take a seat at my desk and took off my winter jacket, well, it's actually one of Amelia's jacket.

"They are doing great, P. Next time you are in California, we need to have you for dinner. Austin and Bria have been asking about you." He laughs mentioning his young boy and girl. "I couldn't bring them for this trip because of school."

"Well, I'm holding you to that offer." I pointed at him. Don begins to pull out some files and paperwork as I found my reading glasses. "So did your guy find anything?"

LET ME (Sequel to FINE LINE) - BOOK 2 of 3 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now