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October 23rd, 2010
Same Day

"Alrighty, so since you are here, we are going to get in a routine of things," I said standing in front of Prince fully dressed in my cozy work around the house attire, a tank top and matching grey sweatpants. My handy notebook is open as Prince sits comfortably trying to look around me and on the Television. I grab the remote turning off the show he was watching, earning a glare from the man. "Prince, this is important to me."

He smiles and gives his full attention to me, "Okay, I'm sorry and listening to you." Prince leans back on the couch with his hands behind his head.

"You know when I'm in Minnesota, I kind of follow after you. I know what and what not to. You treat me like royalty there which I love but I'm not used to it."  I begin to explain as Prince watches me intensely trying to figure out what I'm saying.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asks with a laugh.

I shook my head and laugh along with him, "No, I mean you can do whatever makes you feel comfortable because whenever I'm here I always feel safe and cared for by you and your staff there." Prince nods along smirking slyly. "But I don't have a staff nor live like you when I'm here. This is home for me, meaning I can be my true self at all times not saying I can't be at Paisley but I want you to be comfortable here."

Prince tilts his head in confusion and leans up resting his hands on his legs. "I am comfortable here, Amelia. You don't have to change anything for me. I feel great when I'm here."

"Well...thanks and I'm glad you feel that way because while you are here I want to you get used to the things I do and I'm pretty sure some of the things I do you never did so...this will be fun." I begin to grin wickedly as he arches his brows and slowly folds his arms. "From now on, you will help me to certain household chores I have and -"

"Hold on now! I ain't sign up for being a cleaner, does it look like I mop floors and dust tables." Prince's eyes widen in shock getting riled up. I should there with my list of chores to do. "Amelia, I would do anything for you but clean? I never did anything of that nature in my life. If I did, it was back in my teenage years."

I tap my pen on my book smirking at him, "Well today is your lucky day because I'm here to teach you and bring you down to my world, superstar." I spoke as he gives me a look of disbelief. "Oh, and you can't get out of it because you're on thin ice plus if you want some cookie tonight then you better just listen and do what I say," I told him bending over in front of his face, Prince has so many mixed emotions in his face. My mouth leans up against his ear. "I know your friend down there is craving for me so you better go along with it all, P." I whisper and kiss his earlobe. Prince pulls me down into his lap.

He licks his lips staring into my eyes with passion. Prince kisses me shortly before glancing at my list. He whines, "Mama, that's so much."

"Stop whining, it's five things on the list." I kissed my teeth and wrap my arm around his neck. "If you are going to spend some time here, I need to know how to do some basic things. I'm just treating you normally. Plus, I will be doing the majority of the work."

He eventually gave in and we were up getting ready for the rest of our day. I had him at least change his shirt to something less flashy and more comfortable for him to move around in, I lent him one of my old shirts from high school since I was much smaller back then.

The things we need to get done are, some kitchen cleaning, laundry, and some other little house fixings I need to get done. I am a homeowner so whatever breaks I usually fix it. Prince watches me pull out some of my fall and Halloween decorations.

LET ME (Sequel to FINE LINE) - BOOK 2 of 3 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now