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October 12th, 2010
Same Day

We laid the back of his car in the garage for about another fifteen minutes in silence. Eventually, we decided to get a dress all over again. I tried fixing my hair in the mirror but it was no use. Prince and I made sure to clean up a bit though he said he'll have someone fully clean the backseat. We both enter Paisley with bags in our hands trying to act normal.

My legs still feel like jello in I'm honest. Prince struts in front of me swinging the light blue bags like he's full of energy. I know he is. We walk into the elevator and I glance over at him.

"I'm still supposed to meet with Cassie and Kim?" I ask.

Prince nods, "Yes you are."

"Are you gonna give a hint now? You've been sneaky about this whole things." I plead as he just laughs softly watching me squirm. "Prince, I'm not good with surprises."

"I'll tell you two things, alright?" He says to me while we reach the second floor and step out of the elevator. I skip out knowing that I'm getting my way.

"Okay now tell me," I said eagerly as he gives me a look so I clam down gently.

Prince begins to speak, "Stars and pillows." He says soon as we reach his private quarters. I open my mouth to say something but he stops me. "No more questions, actually I forgot Cassie is leaving early so go down now and up when you are done," Prince says before stepping into his private space and closing the door in my face. I stood there in shock then turn on my heels going back downstairs.

Once I reach the wardrobe I bump into the woman I needed to see as she is already wearing her coat and hat. She gasps and smiles, "Honey, you suppose to down here an hour ago. I have to pick up my granddaughter."

"Prince held me up." Oh, boy did he. "I'm sorry, he told me to come down here to see you and Kim," I told her as she grabs her purse.

Cassie turns to me, "I left your outfit he desired for you to wear in his room. The shoes and all. I have to say it's truly beautiful." She tells me while we both leave back out of the room. "Kim should be waiting for you in the hair salon. You know where that is right?"

I nodded going to head in another direction. "I do, I'm sorry I held you up. Thank you again and I'll see you tomorrow." We shared a quick goodbye before I head to the hair salon at Paisley.

This man really has everything.

"I should have taken a shower." I felt gross right now, but Prince was rushing me to do this first. Soon as I entered the salon, Kim turns to me smiling.

I haven't seen her since coming back to Paisley Park so this is definitely a reunion for us.

"Amelia, how are you?" We share a small hug. "P told me that I have to do the works on you." She laughs.

I did as well with an eye roll. "That man, I swear." I took a seat in her chair taking off my jacket automatically seeing the hickeys that he gave me in the car. "I'm great, how are you?" I tried my best to cover them up but it was no use.

Kim looks at me in the mirror and smiles, "I've been great as well can't complain." She takes out my hair tie and gathers my hair. I nervously nodded knowing that she can see the noticeable marks her left on me. He loves marking his territory. "So what are we going for? Anything new?"

"Um, whatever you think is good for the night. I'm guessing this is some type of date. He's not giving me any type of information." I sigh heavily. My hair is still currently dyed with a reddish ginger tone from some weeks ago. "Maybe I can go back to my normal roots?"

LET ME (Sequel to FINE LINE) - BOOK 2 of 3 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now