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October 31st, 2010

My favorite day of the year is here, Halloween. It is something about the story behind this holiday that makes me so involved though I might not get out and celebrate. Staying home to watch movies, load up on candy, and give out candy for the kids on my block has been something I do for five or six years now. This might be the last year I get to do a lot of things because of Prince's religion. Some holidays I can care less about, but some are one that holds deep connections to me. Who knows what might happen from now to next year, I might be living in Minnesota and engaged again?

"Can we turn to something else? You wake up and watch horror movies?" Prince grimaces at the TV in my room while I snuggle up close into his chest. "I hate this movie."

"Hey! I know it's scary, but 'IT' is one of the best books and movies ever." I protested while changing the channel to something more friendly for him. Prince rubs my back and scoffs under his breath. "And it's only eleven in the morning, plus this the only day I watch those types of movies."

Prince goes silent after my statement. I glance up at him sneakily as he watches the show that is on. Occasionally wonder how lucky I got to ever meet this man, let alone get to be with him. This may be odd but sometimes I look at him and imagine what our kids would look like. To have his eyes and beautiful smile – if it is a girl. As for a boy, I would like the same, but I want him to have Prince's humor and be a similar image of his father, without the attitude.

"What is going on in that curious mind of yours? You are always thinking." Prince does not take his eyes off the screen. I frown at his words, the side-eyed me while smirking. "Fix your face."

"For your information, it's good to have a mind thinking." I huff while moving away from him, crossing my arms. Prince turns off the television and snaps his head in my direction. "Prince, don't—"

"What is it?" He asks me. I instantly felt nervous from his tone, I do not want to talk about it with him since this is a sensitive matter for him. By my silence, I can tell he was getting antsy. "Amelia," Prince says sternly with an arch of his brows

I peek over at him, "Promise you won't off the road when I share it." Prince nods quietly as I sigh heavily. "Sometimes, actually very often I think about...Whatourchildrenwouldlooklike." I rush out and scoot down into the bed trying to cover myself. Prince stares at me with confusion as I gently pull the blanket over my head.

"Amelia, you know I didn't hear you fully." He sucks his teeth, I felt him pulling at the blanket, but I hold a tight grip. "Girl, if you don't—"

"I said 'I think about what our children would look like'," I said underneath the blanket. His hands move away from me as I rise above to see his face again. Prince watches me closely with a blank expression. "Listen, I know it's too soon for thinking that and we have so much to get through but—Smurf..." A smile forms on my lips as tears welled up in my eyes, Prince moves closer grabbing my face gently. "I think about it all the time. Sometimes I think we should just be good for it but then again, we should not because we are so busy. I never had this topic on my mind so much with any other man but you."

Prince looks me deep in the eyes not saying one word. He uses his thumbs to rub my cheeks as I shut my eyes letting out a shaky breath. Prince presses his head against mines, "You are not the only one that thinks about that. I have the same feelings and thoughts, Melia. The best thing for us right now is to wait a bit. Not long, but until we get in the groove of the next tour next year. I would like to be married before we have kids." He chuckles lightly while I open my eyes and laugh too.

"I'm sure I will light upon you soon, just give me reasons to trust you then we can be wed by next May." I shrug as he smiles.

"May? You want a Spring wedding?"

LET ME (Sequel to FINE LINE) - BOOK 2 of 3 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now