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"Why am I not shocked"

"Argh, I can't get this!"


"My Prize~"

"Over Your dead body!"

"All of you Yonnin are Crazy"


The four Yonnin all stood on their largest summons, all had an intense look on their faces, except Orochimaru who was smiling at them.

Naruto was unconscious with Tsunade and Zeref stood next to Acnologia who was on Igneel.

"Katsuyu... take the kid to Shizune" Tsunade said.

Katsuyu separated a part of herself to carry Naruto down to Shizune.

"Brat, you best get out of the firing range too" Acnologia grumbled.

"Hn.." Zeref replied and went to go watch over Naruto.

"Oh it's you 3" Manda stated his voice echoed across the open field.

"Hahaha how has it been you legless Lizard!!" Igneel shouted, Laughter clear in the air.

"Your the last one I want to hear calling others a Lizard, grrr I'll eat you all" Manda shouted.

"You shouldn't do that Manda-Sama" Kabuto replied.

"Ehhh! Who was talking to you!! Be quiet before you become my next meal!" Manda shouted.

"Now I remeber why I avoid talking to you" Gamabunta stated.

"Yes, he is very annoying to talk to" Igneel responded.

"Eh? Speak for yourself, Lizard, your just as annoying" Gamabunta replied.

"Katsuyu Now!" Tsunade yelled, she was getting sick of this talking.

"Acid Slime!" Katsuyu shouted, a mass amount of acid flew at Manda, but he was quick and easily dodged it.

Almost instantly after he wrapped himself around Katsuyu and began to squeeze tight.

Gamabunta jumped forward and swung at Manda's head, but Manda leaned back and caught his sword in his mouth.

Igneel appears from the other side with his fist covered in flames and punched Manda in the face, but he was holding onto too tight.

Katsuyu burst into smaller versions of herself and reformed away from the snake.

Manda threw Gamabunta's sword back at him, but he dodged it.

"Fire style: toad Oil flamethrower!"

A wave of fire consumed the snake, only to reveal they had attacked Manda's snake shed skin.

"Fire style: Dragons Iron first!"

Right as Manda appeared from the ground Igneel punched Manda, keeping the snake from biting Gamabunta.

Immediately after Tsunade dropped from the sky with Gamabunta's sword and pierced it through Manda's head.

"Fangs to yourself!" She yelled, but Orochimaru wrapped his toung around her neck, however she grabbed hold of it and pulled Orochimaru towards her, before punching him over to Acnologia, who Grabbed hold of his head and slammed it into the ground.

Tsunade and Orochimaru soon began attacking eachother on the ground.

"You won't escape!" She yelled punching him in the face once more.

Coating her fist in Chakra she punched Orochimaru into The sword that was holding down Manda.

The three were surrounded.

Disgusted at seeing Orochimaru loose Manda made him a promise.

"Tch, we ever meet again, you best be prepared!" Manda announced before dissapearing in a cloud of smoke.

Orochimaru sunk into the ground and Kabuto too dissapeared into a cloud of smoke.

Time skip

When Naruto awoke they were back at the hotel, and he was rightfully confused.

But they all went back to the same Bar where they first found Tsunade.

"What! No way you'll be a horrible Hokage!" Naruto yelled at hearing the news.

Just like before Zeref sat quietly slurping on Soba noodles this time.

Once again annoyed Tsunade and Naruto head out to fight just like they did thr first time round.

"I'm having a strong sense of Dejavu. " Zeref mumbled.

"You and me both" Acnologia replied.

They watched Naruto charge at her just like the first time, but she dodged and...

You get it Naruto lost.

This time however, instead of knocking the lights out of him she kissed his forehead.

"What about you Gaki, care for a round?" Tsunade asked looking at Zeref.

"Hn, if it means getting kissed on the head then I'm fine" Zeref stated looking to side with bored eyes.

"But do you take back your words?..." Tsunade asked.

"You mean when I called you a Coward.... Hn, sure, I take it back." Zeref replied.

Tsunade gave him a grin, Not that he knew why, he didn't understand why she cared about his opinion, but there wasn't much he could do about that.

Finally the 7 of them, 8 if you include TonTon, headed back to Konoha.

Zeref could only wonder how pissed Sasuke would be when he woke up, knowing that while he lost to Itachi, Naruto got to fight a Sannin, the same one Sasuke lost to the first time around.

"Oba-San?" Naruto said when he spotted Tsunade in a deep thought.


"Itaiii!!" Naruto shouted.

He got punched however into Zeref who got slammed into a tree.

"This is why I hate fighting, it always ends up with me injured" Zeref grumbled, rubbing the back of his head.

All the adults started to laugh.

Maybe things were looking up.



So this was a short chapter.... and idc.

I've been struggling to write this book for ages and I don't know why.

Relax I haven't discontinued this book.

Anyway, it's 3am and I'm exhausted, so I'm out.

At the end of the last arc/ next arc I will be announcing the winner for Zerefs love.


Ja ne

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