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The darkness grew in his eyes as he stared blankly at the huge gates that lead to his escape.

He looked back to see him place the pink haird female on the bench before walking ahead of him, his eyes were completely covered by his hair.

He too was about to walk out of the gates, when a scared voice rung through his head.

"Don't" she begged.

He looked back, his inky eyes locking onto her pearly pair. He always loved the hint of lavender that rested in them and with the moon shining on her dark blue hair.... she looked angelic.

"I can't stay.."

"B- but must y-you go" she shot back.

His eyes could no longer gaze into he innocent ones, he felt guilt, he had to go, but she could not come with as much as his heart desired it.

"Please... don't make this difficult" he begged.

The figure ahead turned back, his eyes were harsh, and hurt.

"Are you coming or not" he demanded.

He got no response.

The angelic figure moved into her stance... no... their stance.

"I can't a-and w-w-won't let you d-do this... Zeref" her eyes held determination and promise.

Said male sighed, he dissapeared in a flash.

He stood behind her, and chopped the back of her neck, knocking her out cold.

Time moved in slow motion as the female fell and lost consciousness but she heard his regret filled voice.

"Forgive me.... Hinata" he said as she passed out into his arms. Zeref used the flying Rijin seal he had placed on his room and teleported Hinata onto his bed.

He continued to walk with His brother figure before the pair met up with a few others.

Zeref held out his fist.

"This is where we part... good luck Sasuke" he said.

"Hn, remember first come first serve. If I find Itachi I will kill him" he responded holding his fist up.

"Let the race..." Zeref started.

"Begin" they finished together, their fists connected, and Zeref flashed out of Sasuke's sight.


I know this isn't an official chap, but since I've been back in college this last week, I've been busy trying to get back on track with all my projects, so forgive me.


From now on since were getting close to the end I will no longer be showing who is winning in the fight for Zeref's love.


Simple, cus I can.

Anyway, thanks for reading and supporting me guys, it means more than you guys think it does.

Reading your comments on my story really makes me smile.

JA NE!!☺️

Zeref Uchiha ( Naruto Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant