A/N Oops

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Ok so don't get mad....






But I completely forgot about this story. 😅

Like 100% forgot about its existence. And I took a look and realised that there are actually a lot of you guys who really enjoyed this story...

The issue?

Well I've kinda lost all motivation for it which is unfair to those of you who have waited so patiently for  a second book that WILL NOT be coming.

So I'm here to ask you this instead.

It won't be a full story but you get two choices.

Would you rather I

1: Create a Short story about Shippuden for this book. (About 3-5 chaps)


2: make a one shot about the relationship growth between Gaara and Zeref.

This is all I can offer.

Thanks for sticking around though.

Ja ne!

Zeref Uchiha ( Naruto Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora