Shippuden Teaser

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Hey guys this is a mini teaser for this book, if I decide to actually go that far, I doubt I will but hey it's fun to write stuff like this.

Thousands of Shinobi looked up at the blocked out sky.

Many dropped their weapons in defeat and shock.

A few decided to laugh at the ridiculous situation they found themselves in.

"No way"

"This is crazy"

"Were all gonna die"

"Is this the power of a God"

Even our protagonist Naruto stood in shock and awe, sweat dripping down his brow.

"Don't give up before you've tried, always fight to the bitter end!" The Tsuchikage shouted, flying up to the massive meteor that had been summoned onto the battle field.

"Everyone get as far away as you can!" Gaara shouted.

Wasting no time at all the thousands of brave Shinobi ran as fat as they could to escape the huge rock that blocked out the sky.

Gaara lifted up a huge amount of sand and used it to try and hold the bolder in the air.

The Tsuchikage used his lighten bolder Jutsu to lighten the massive meteor, and then proceeded to help Gaara hold it in the air.

It came to a stop bit of dirt dropped here and there but the massive ball was no longer falling.


He stood there before spotting something above in the clouds.

"Ryu" he said Eternal Mangekyo blazing.

"I got you" He said his deep voice echoed.

He jumped on Ryu's back and flew

"Now!" He shouted

"Hai!" Ryu grabbed his Non blood brother with his tail and threw him above the boulder.


"Impressive" The walking god said looking at the bolder.

"You didn't expect this" the traitor stated.

"Not at all, though I wonder what they are going to do about the other" he said.

Above the first the second meteor came into view.

However a Black Susanoo Slammed into the side of it, and with the help of his summon, he managed to make it skim the side of the first bolder.

The thousand Shinobi alliance Cheered in happiness at their savior.

The bolder landed behind the caster only damaging him and his partner alone, however, they reanimated.

Madara stood there impassive as ever and summoned his Susanoo at full to face the other complete Susanoo.

Black and blue stared each other down.

One with four swords, one with two.

One with flames on their swords, one with lightning and Fire.

"I'm not late am I?" He asked a smirk growing on his face.

"No, but You took your time Baka!!" Naruto shouted at the black Susanoo.

"Honestly I thought you would have never made it" Gaara said.

"Even you Gaara, no faith" the voice joked.

His black scarf fluttering in the wind, his uchiha Necklace visible to the world, his fingerless gloves, marked with the kanji for love on the metal plate on the back as clean as ever, the Scar that goes from his right cheek down his neck to his shoulder clear as ever.

"Nice to see you made it to the dance" Madara said.

"Hn, no this dance is over" he said.

"Beleive me boy it's not " He countered.

"Oh no, beleive me old man, it is" he replied.

They stared at each other before in a flash the swords collided.

"Trust me Zeref your time is up and when I weaken you, that dragon that's sealed inside of you will be mine." Madara said.

Zeref looked at the old man with a classic Natsu smile, one that took him years to perfect.

"Bring it on!" He shouted.


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