To Suna

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Tears were shed that night

"What on earth"


I trust you'll be smart enough to listen to my advice

Find them Zeref

"Please train m-me"

"Not like I'm much better"

Hi imouto

"I'll find the truth and his eyes!!"

Zeref punched a training dummy and it not only smashed to pieces but flew back with enough force to damage the tree behined it.

Hinata could only look with shock even if its been a few months his strength still shocks her.

Together they (Zeref) found a way to fuse both the Uchiha Katas and the Hyuga Katas, what this did was cover both katas weaknesses.

The Uchiha being to weak, the Hyuga being to slow, it was a perfect mix of fast heavy hitting attacks.

The dummy was a tester hence why the tree behind it was currently falling to the ground.

"I-I still c-can't believe yo-you fused them" Hinata said.

"Hn" Zeref said unconscious of what noise he made as he was too deep in thought.

Hinata could only sweat drop at the boy who made the very noise he despised.

She was also aware of the weights Zeref wore.

He wore weights on his arms and legs, his Sandles were weights, his T-shirt under his sleeveless hoodie was a weight and his plain headband that he wore on his head was a weight.

It honestly shocked her how much the boy trained, she once saw him climb up the cliff side he loves, with no chakra to enhance his strength.

She also saw him swing a weight in the shape of a sword from morning till night.

Then there was the time he caused a huge explosion and all that was left was some paper which made her assume he knew some Fuinjustu.

How could she ever forget the time were a massive rumble came with the sound of an explosion, but no one Ninjas or Civilians could find out were it came from, until the Hokage himself pointed out the massive Genjustu, that covered Zeref and the source of the explosion, which was a failed Fuinjutsu.

He was her idol and her best friend, any problems she had he was the first to know, she never knew why but sometimes she trusted him more then she trusted herself.

"Well, that's training done, I'm going on a trip for the week, so practice our Katas and you Ninjutsu." The boy said.

"Hai" Hinata said before she ran off home.

Zeref went back to his own apartment, he was going to go on a trip to Suna, the past few months made him notice the thin alliance between Konoha and Suna, he wanted to explore and train before the trust was gone. This year he would visit, next year he would go there to train, then the year after he would go Kumo.

Even though Zeref was painfully aware that Kumo hated Konoha he couldn't deny that their Kenjustu was unmatched he wanted training from the best, and the most untouched, killer bee, though he knew that wasn't going to be easy.

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