Date with the Snake

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"A bet?"



"I hate snakes"


The grass and trees were burnt to a black charcoal, light puffs of smoke floated up from the surrounding area.

The trees that weren't burnt black had a swirled dent in them.

Poor forrest.

"DAMMIT! why can't I get this!!!" A loud voice yelled as yet another tree gets a permanent swirl stuck in its side.

"Hn..." a more quiet voice said although you could hear the frustration.

The loud blond dropped to the ground, he was finally out of Chakra. He was covered in bruises and cuts from his previous failed attempts.

"Again" Zeref grumbled.

Slowly his body lit up from his feet, the fire spread all around him until his whole body was covered, but when he tried the inside he burnt himself

Tired he too dropped to the floor in exhaustion.

"Argh!" He yelled, coughing up smoke, before he too fell to the ground in exhaustion.

Naruto was out cold, but Zeref was just laying on the ground, looking up at the stars.

He heard some footsteps, but didn't move once he recognised the smell.... his senses have increased.

The boys had been at it for almost a full week and neither had completed their end of the deal. From the looks of things...

The boys had lost. They had tomorrow  left and that was it.

Nether had the energy to eat let alone train, but both boys were equally as stubborn, but for tonight sleep finally won the battle.

When the boys had awoken they were no longer in the forrest but instead in the hotel room.

Once they were awake the boys noticed Shizune passed out on the chair nearby.

"Oi, wake up!" Naruto yelled.

Shizune shot up, with fear in her eyes, and a worried look on her face.

"How are you awake? Nevermind, we need to find Tsunade!" She announced.

Naruto immediately chased after Shizune, while Zeref hesitated, his still followed.

On their trip, they found Jiraiya and Acnologia stumbling, and were holding onto eachother for support.

"Damm woman" Jiraiya muttered.

"Tch, no smell, no taste, get only she could have a paralysis poison that can't be detected" Acnologia grumbled.

"Oi, what's the deal with that woman anyway, what did Orochimaru offer?" Jiraiya asked.

Shizune looked down to the ground in worry.

"If she fixed his arms, he would bring Dan and Nawaki back from the dead" she muttered.

It was silent for a while.

"Why am I not surprised. Then why are we still standing here, let's go stop her" Zeref stated.

"If you haven't noticed brat, Jiraya and I aren't exactly in tip top shape right now" Acnologia grumbled.

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