Avenger or Investigator

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"He's been acting Sucpisious"

"Come on nee-san I haven't spoken to you in ages"

"Where Is Shisui!? Please!"


"Why? WHY?"



Zeref sat on the very cliff that Shisui fell from  it was the last thing he ever found out about his brother from a note that Itachi left him. He didn't know why at first but when he finally gained the courage to visit the spot he saw a memorial for his brother.

A lot more tears were shed that night.

As disturbing as it sounds this became  Zeref's favourite place. His old one was ruined by the image of Shisui's body.

This was now his thinking spot, he came to talk to Shisui even though he wasn't alive he believed that he could still hear him.

Sasuke was training till he dropped in a nearby field.

Zeref looked at him was emotionless eyes.

"What should I do nee-San he's going to get himself killed...." Zeref whispered.

He closed his eyes letting the words flow before opening them and slowly looking to his blooded and bruised hands.

"Not like I'm much better" he continued.

Zeref looked at the picture he put on the memorial, it was taken on his sixth birthday.

Shisui was standing there smiling like an idiot as usual, zeref was on his shoulders, a huge grin was shown, one of Zerefs hands were in Shisui's hair the other held a katana high above his head.

Zeref sighed looking at that photo, that katana was a gift from Shisui, he still has it, it's just in a box under his bed, it hurts to look at it.

It still hurts, and the nightmares are still coming at full force.

Zeref looked to the sky, white fluffy clouds floated by  and a calm breeze blew past.




It's been 2 years since that night.

Zeref was 9 now, and he still couldn't push himself to open his brothers will or go into his room, the will was tucked safely in his cargo shorts pocket.

Zeref was currently rethinking his dreams.

It was to be strong enough to protect his family.

He clearly failed that one. He only has two.

One murdered his clan, but showed enough remorse to build a memorial for his best friend.

The other emotionless and pissed, going as far as to Avenge his clan by killing his brother.

He hates to say it, it makes him sound like a child but..

"This sucks" Zeref muttered.

Zeref mainly wondered what he should do now.

He could keep training so he could protect his friends but with his curse he wouldn't be surprised if they died too.

The light flickered

Zeref Uchiha ( Naruto Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora