Chunin Exams pt1: Test

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"You've all been recommended for the Chunin exams"




"Still can't sleep?"

"This is my favourite view"

"If we fight...."

"... no holding back"


Team 5 awoke with determination, today was the Chunin exams a chance to prove themselves and a chance to test their skills against the best.

When team 5 walked onto the second floor of the academy and saw it said 3 all three held a different look.

Zeref was boredom.

Katsu was disappointment.

Mika was disgust.

"A Genjutsu do I look 5?" She said to her teammates.

"I don't know what to say, I'm shocked so many idiots fell for it." Katsu said shaking his head.

"Hn, who cares, if they can't see through it then they're not worth our time, let's go, this takes out the competition for us." Zeref stated.

He walked over to the stairs, Mika and Katsu behined him only to find two idiots blocking the way.

"You should really go home this exam is too hard for you kids" idiot one said

"Yeah, if you can't even get past us then you definitely won't survive" idiot two boasted.

With zero hesitation or patience Zeref turned on his Sharingan in anger and looked at the two who froze in shock and slight fear at the aura radiating off the boy.

"Move" he demanded.

Like robots the two stepped aside and let team 5 pass.

"Hey Uchiha what's your name!" A voice shouted.

Zeref turned to look at who had the audacity to address him in such a way

"Hyuga, of course" Zeref muttered looking at the long haired, pupiless Hyuga.

"Well" he said glaring at Zeref

"Non of your concern, I have no patience for a Hyuga who assumes he is above all. Arrogance will get you no where." Zeref stated.

"Neji just leave it" a girl said.

Neji proceeded to glare at Zeref's back as team 5 continued their trip to the room they were meant to meet in.

Zeref was in deep thought. He was so confused, what is wrong with him, one moment he wants to stab someones eye out, then he goes to acting colder then Sasuke only to then be kinder than Naruto.

Yes, he was very confused, it was almost like his brain couldn't decide who he wanted to be.




His body couldn't make up its mind so it's almost muddled them together. It was very strange.

He was trying to act like Natsu, but the trauma from this world makes him act worse than Sasuke, but the mixture of them both is causing him to go insane.

He really needed to get himself together before this troublesome issue got him killed.

His two team mates noticed Zeref in deep thought and were both curious to know what it was, but at the same time, didn't want to wake the sleeping dragon so they let him be.

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