Weasel encounter

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"Thanks Shino"

"Zeref let's end this!"

"Naruto back up only!"


"Wake the hell up!"

"Lying Bastards"

Zeref stared with cold eyes, he didn't know how to process this new information.

Katsu Shinsogu is dead.

He doesn't know how to feel about it.

Neisho also said that Mika is M,I,A.

He was so angry, yet so calm.

Ready to kill, yet so tired.

So emotional, yet so numb.

He heard heavy footsteps behined him, they weren't Neisho's, they were too heavy, but too light for a child.

"It hurts, but I feel empty, he was so close to me that I never noticed just how close until he was gone." Zeref explained.

The other being was quiet.

"Jiraiya, his Gaki and I are going on a mission, do you wish to come? We're going after a friend" Acnologia asked.

The dark haired male nodded, and left to go pack his things.

From this day forward, Team 5 is no more.

On his way back to his apartment Zeref passed Hinata, who was walking with her cousin.

The two got along quite well after their match, and the mistake was finally made clear, though Neji still held a small grudge on his uncle, it wasn't taken out on Hinata anymore.

"Z-Zeref!" Hinata shouted, surprisingly.

Zeref's dull pitch black eyes connected with Hinata's beautiful, lavender ones, and for a brief, unnoticeable second.

Zeref's breath was taken away.

"Hinata, sorry I have to go pack, I'll be out of the village for a while." Zeref explained, he chose to ignore the increasing rate of his heart beat, and the small layer red that covered his cheeks.

Though Hinata was no better.

"O-oh, ok I-I'll talk to y-you when you g-g-get back, ok" she said.

Zeref found her stutter, and blushing surprisingly cute for some reason.

"Ok. Look after her for me, will you Neji, she can be really clumsy sometimes." Zeref said.

Neji noticed the pair blushing, but chose not to act on it, he would let the two figure it out on their own.

After seeing a nod from Neji the Uchiha left to go gather his things.

Zeref stood at the Gates of Konoha with Acnologia and Jiraiya, they were waiting for someone not that Zeref knew who.

When the boy in Orange arrived with a huge backpack, Jiraiya had to repack it for him before they finally set off.

While walking the loud pair were talking about the awesome Jutsu Naruto would learn.

On the other hand the other two stayed quiet, he wanted to use this chance to clear his thoughts before he did something he would regret.

"Hey, Zeref what awesome Jutsu will you learn!?" Naruto asked.

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