Second Chance

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Zeref was alone. All alone. He felt like nothing he did went right. He tried to bring his brother back, and gained a curse that kills everyone. The curse of contradiction.

Whenever he had good intentions, the curse would act And do more harm than good.

Zeref grew up alone. Isolated. Hated.

What he wouldn't do for a second chance. Another opportunity. A fresh start.

Maby what ever higher being there is could give him a break from the horrible cards he was dealt and maby give him a chance.

Zeref felt that maby his prayers were ignored. After all, he is now just floating around in a black abyss.

If this was hell then he had to admit. It was kinda boring.

Floating. That's all he's been doing in this empty abyss.

Ba-bum ba-bum

A, bearly audible beat was heard. It sounded really muffled and far off, but it was so soothing. Calming almost.

Zeref stretched out his hand to feel the beat more, but instead he hit a wall.

The beat got slightly faster, almost like it was excited.

After everything Zeref had been through you would assume he hated the darkness, but right here, he felt something, he hadn't felt in a long time. He felt relaxed.

"Wo-- --ur l-ke a b-loon!!" He heard a muffled shout.

It was too muffled and to broken to hear what was being said, but the voice sounded young.

After a little while of a more quiet, muffled convosations, that he could in no way understand, he felt something lightly push against the wall.

He was so confused, and uncomfortable. Almost like instinct he kicked the spot that was being pushed. He didn't mean to do it, Why would he, he would rather sleep at this point but he couldn't controll his actions.

"WOAH!!! I F--T -IM, I FEL- HI- !!!"

The same childish voice was sooo much more louder.

Couldn't he just enjoy his peace in silence. He had half a mind to tell the bafoon to to shut up.

Alas he was too tired and settled for sleep in the end.


This has to be Hell. There couldn't be anything else.

Zeref was stuck, in a cramped abyss, that keeps getting smaller

Not to mention that loud voice that keeps appearing and disappearing is getting louder, and more annoying, each time he hears it.

In a pitch black filled room, sense of time is useless, add on top the fact that he can't tell when he's awake or asleep and you get A very confused Zeref.

Suddenly he felt very constricted. Everything got way to tight for comfort.

He was being forced in a direction, head first Zeref was slapped in the face by the freezing cold air, and an ear piercing scream.

Zeref was very confused at this point. He couldn't see, was cold and could hear someone screaming. Seriously they needed to be quiet.





He realised that the only one screaming was him. A baby.

He got handed to the woman that will be his new mother.

" Do you want to name him, Shisui?" Asked a light, strained voice.

" Can I?!" Said boy asked in child like wonder.

Zeref was just happy he stopped screaming. He wasn't in controll of himself, but the peace was nice.

The woman hummed in agreement, and Zeref could practically feel, excitement rollingboff of the boy in waves.

" Zeref. I name him Zeref" Shisui said.

He beamed in pure joy when said baby looked at him with Curiosity filled eyes.

Zeref was just confused on how he knew his real name. He was prepared for a new one but apparently that wasn't needed.

" Zeref Uchiha. I like it." She said. Shisui was bouncing on the spot like a little firecracker.

She handed Zeref to Shisui, making sure he had a good hold of the baby.

He looked at his new Imouto.

" No harm will come to you. I promise" he whispered and hugged his new baby brother close.

Zeref's heart warmed at those words. Maby the gods finally gave him a break, finaly granted his wish.

They gave him a fresh start, a new brother, an opportunity with no curses involved.

He gave Shisui a toothless smile and hugged him tightly.

Yes. This will do. He has a new family, and this time, he will keep them safe.

With those thoughts Zeref fell asleep, wrapped warmly in his new brothers arms. Feeling the one thing he thought he could never feel ever again.

He, felt, Loved.


Next chapter teaser

"'Tachi look at my cute Imouto!"

"He's watching us"

"He's crawling?!?"

" What raw power"

" He's cuter than your brother!"


Quote of the Chapter


I feel bad there is no quote so here. It will probably be used later but oh well.

An apology with no change... is just Manipulation. - Zeref

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