Chunin exams pt3: Preliminarys

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"The forest of Death"

"Encase you need me"

"Who are you!"

"I love the stars"

"A curse mark"

Team 5 stood together in the small crowd of Gennins, but no matter how much he looked Zeref could not spot Sasuke or Naruto, which was rare concerning the boys voice.

Hayate, the Proctor for the third section of the Chunin exams was just about to start when to a loud voice echoed from the doors to the arena.

"WAIT, WAIT, WERE HERE, BELEIVE IT!!" Naruto bellowed.

The rest of team 7 not far behind him.

"You ju- *cough* -st made it" Hayate announced.

Once team 7 had stood with the rest, the Hokage stood up.

The Hokage went on to talk about the Chunin exams true purpose of maintaining balance of power through every village, so one does not top the rest.

This confused everyone as no one really cared, they just wanted the promotion, but the speech gave information for why they chose this next step.

"I'll handle *cough* this from here" Hayate spoke as the Hokage went to go sit down.

Everyone stared at the Jounin with different levels of intensity.

"Due to the *cough cough* unfortunate issue of *cough* there being too many of *cough* you, we will have to conduct a *cough* set of preliminary matches to *cough cough* lessen the numbers, as to not *cough* waste the Kage's time." He announced.

The crowd of Genins blew up at the sick male.


"We have Preliminary fights first, oh great"


"How troublesome, we just got here!"

"Are you serious!"

"ENOUGH!*cough cough *" Hayate shouted silencing the stadium.

"The matches will begin *cough * immediate so if *cough cough* your incapable of fighting *cough* leave now" he stated.

"He needs a cough drop" Mika whispered to her team, which earned a smirk and a light snicker.

After watching a small argument that team 7 had Zeref spotted Kabuto raise his hand.

Naruto, like the naive boy he is, was shocked and sad to see someone he could 'trust' give up so easily.

Once Kabuto was gone the fights were ready to go. The first fight would be an interesting one though.

Mika Himiko vs Kitsuo Hoshimi

Mika and the Iwa nin in the ring while the rest went up to stands.

Mika's weakness was Ninjutsu.

Immediately, Kitsuo set off a fireball, that Mika managed to dodge.

Mika kept trying to get in close to the other female, but the Jutsu's were making it difficult.

Finally having enough Mika tried to cast a Genjutsu, but Kitsuo brock out of it immediately and landed a fireball that knocked Mika out.

"Mika Himiko is down, Kitsuo Hoshimi moves on!" Hayate said.

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