Team Training

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Enjoy my art of Shisui and Child Zeref, yes I drew this. Feel free to use it just don't claim it.


"We work together"

"He's Mine!"

"Don't act all high and mighty"

"Here's the plan"

Zeref got up at the crack of dawn, he needed to meet his new team after all. He spotted Sasuke struggling to get out of his bed even though he had to meet his team at the same time.

"I told you to rest early" Zeref said washed and changed, he looked at the Zombified, self proclaimed brother and rolled his eyes.


Zeref ignores him and made some breakfast, he left some on the side for Sasuke and went on his way to the training field.

Zeref was the first one there so he took the time to practice katas of the the fighting style he and Hinata made.

By the time Katsu arrived Zeref was already working up a sweat he may be an Uchiha but that didn't mean he was invincible, a Jonin could definitely win in a one vs one.

But it was that exact thought that had the boy working so hard, he couldn't handle knowing that if he were to see that Stupid weasle he wouldn't be strong enough to damage him, let alone get information, there was no way in Hell or Heavèn that with his current strength he would be able to drag the Weasle home either.

"Mornin" Katsu grumbled out. Zeref was actually impressed he heard it.

Next to come was Mika.

"Morning Guys!!" She shouted.

Both boys looked at her like she was an Alien.

Katsu rolled his eyes and proceeded to lay down on the cool grass.

"Hn" Zeref responded, sitting in a meditation position.

All three students sat in peace waiting.

Finally after a few minutes their sensei arrived.

"Mmm" was all they heard. Their sensei was more tired then they were.

"You ok sensei!" Mika said on the loud side.

"Hush, it's too early to be loud. What a pain. Let's get this started. " he said.

All three students sat up straight their attention on their sensei.

"Ok, for some troublesome reason, all Sensei's, including mine, decide to teach their students this later on, usually a few months after the first mission" he started.

This caught their attention.

"I find this idiotic as it makes teaching Jutsus easier for later. So we will be starting with Chakra Controll, hand down Mika" Neisho said, his eyes were barely open but he just knew Mika would ask a question.

Just as Neisho thought Mika slowly lowered her hand.

"Chakra controll is important as it let's tou have better controll over how much chakra you use in a Jutsu, example Zeref's Fire ball had way too much chakra pushed into it, it doesn't make it stronger it just wastes chakra." He explained.

"So you will be doing the tree walking exercise. You make a layer of chakra onto the soles of your feet and it will allow you to walk up any surface, trees are just the best way to learn because of how tall they are." Neisho stated.

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