Team 5 Test

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"Team 7"


"Oh it's you"

"To become the Hokage!"

"To (Screech)"

"To kill someone

"To hopefully Save someone, and learn the truth."

Zeref was watching the sunrise at Shisui's shrine.

He didn't get much sleep, no matter who he was in the past, in this life, he's haunted by nightmares.

Mostly one of Shisui calling him a murderer for killing him. He knows Shisui asked him too, but it doesn't take away the fact he still did it.

It was currently 5 am.

Zeref saw Sasuke heading to his test about half an hour ago.

He still had time to kill, but he couldn't move.

He just sat there, legs dangling off the edge of his favorite, yet hated cliff. Staring at the ball of orange rose over the horizon.

No, he wasn't talking about Naruto.

Zeref did consider himself lucky though, the training ground they are going to meet up at, is the one at the bottom of the cliff near the river.

A light breeze blew through his hair. 

He could almost hear his Nee-san.

"Come on Imouto SMILE!"

He remembered that day so well, the day he was angry at the village for what they said to Naruto when he was 5.


Zeref dragged Naruto away from the crowd and escorted him home. It was late a Zeref had no doubt the Shisui would be hunting for him soon.

"Stay safe tonight ok?" Zeref asked.

Naruto gave a nod and a quick hug accompanied by a short 'Thank you' since Zeref gave him some Ramen.

Zeref headed home with a scowl locked on his face.

When he got home, Shisui was about to lecture him until he saw the look on his face.

It took Shisui about 2 seconds to change his mind into then spending everything he could to make his Imouto smile.

He cracked dad jokes.

"Ok, ok here is another one.. a man walks into a Bar... ouch, hahaha!"


The next day he took Zeref out to annoy Itachi and Sasuke.

Still Nothing.

"Come on Imouto SMILE!" He shouted.

Zeref saw the distressed look on his brother's face a pulled a small smile for him.

"That's better. Remember, there will always be ups and downs in the path we call life, but the most important thing is to make sure you stand back up every time it knocks you down."


He remembered it like it was yesterday.

When Zeref looked at the time he saw it was around half 7.

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