New life

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The only one screaming was him. A baby.

" Zeref. I name him Zeref"

"No harm shall come to you. I promise"

He. Felt. Loved.

I love my new life. A second chance, an opportunity to make a new start, but with this new life there are two things I can not stand.

The first, the inability to move. I'm basically a glaring statue. I couldn't move my body correctly. But now at the sweet age of 3 months I am able to crawl. Finally.

Second is the constant Itch that irritates me from under my skin. I am unaware of what it is, but it's highly uncomfortable. The main source seems to be coming from my stomach, but I hate it.

However with a down, there is always an up.

I love my brother. Shisui. You see this new family I was born into is like every member of the clan is a royal prick, in Shisui's words to be exact.

But him. He's so playful and protective. Honestly he's the best brother someone like me could ask for.

Today however is an odd day. The reason behind it is very simple. Shisui brought home a friend. My mother put me down in the living room, while she went off to do something. So I was looking at a book. My vision is still a bit bad, so I'll need to wait a while, before I'm actually able to read but the pictures are nice.

" Here 'Tachi look at my cute Imouto!" I heard Shisui shout from my room.

" are you blind?" A dull voice asked.

" Ahhh! IMOUTO!!! WHERE ARE YOU!?!?!" Shisui panicked. I actually found it rather amusing to watch him run around the house like a headless chicken.

" Shut up BAKA! He's in the living room, hopefully still asleep, for your sake he better be." Was the sharp response I heard.

I can't lie, it made me want to act like I had just woken up and start crying but I'm not that evil.........

Ok I'm lying.

" Waaaah! Waaah! " I gave a loud cry and could practically feel Shisui flinch.

He bolted over to me and rocked me back and forth.

" maah I'm sorry Imouto, my bad. Shsh I didn't mean to be that loud," he soothed. I stoped crying and hugged him tight. An Idiotic smile made its way onto his face. He put me back on the chair and pointed to another boy, a little younger than he was.

" this is my bestie 'Tachi!" He announced to me.

I gave Shisui a bored stare. I then yawned to further prove my point.

" say hi 'Tachi " Shisui whispered.

" Hn" was said boys response.

Ok I'm pretty sure my brother is an Idiot. But I really do enjoy his silliness.

I lifted up my arms, to show I wanted to be picked up.

Shisui did just that and brought me to 'Tachi.

I grabbed his ponytail and tugged it, no one grunts at me.

"Pfft hahaha!" Shisui busted out laughing at 'Tachi's face.

" Hn. I see he really is your brother" he said, slight agrovation in his voice.

" your just annoyed because he's cuter than your brother!" Shisui stated proudly.

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