Chapter 2

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So here's chapter two, when Brianna arrives!
Hope you enjoy it, please vote and comment,

A muffled boom announced the arrival of the lift and all of the Glader's hesitant murmurs fell silent. They watched with trepidation as Newt and Alby ambled to the opposite sides of the shaft doors, a crack split the metal square right down the middle.

Everyone held their breath with a mixture of curiosity and excitement as together they yanked the doors apart with the hook handles on either side. The doors were opened by a metallic scrape and there was a small cloud of dust drifting over the boy's blank faces.

Complete silence settled over the Gladers as Newt bent over to take a closer look. Everyone edged closer, leaning forward as fast as they could to gain a closer look down the shaft.

Newt scratched the back of his neck, squinting down at the shaft in confusion, scrunching up his face with amazement. 'Bloody hell...' He breathed, looking at nothing in particular. 'No way...' He mumbled, almost in a trance.

A chorus of questions erupted swiftly following this as everyone began pushing to get a look into the small opening.

'Hold on!' Alby yelled, silencing everyone expertly and waving off the final murmurs with a flick of his wrist. 'Just hold on.' He nodded to Newt who seemed to know what to do.

Newt jumped into the box, eager to help the person lying inside. It was on its side, facing downwards with a mop of hair covering its eyes.

'What's going on here?' Alby muttered, almost in a whisper. It was a question nobody could answer, but he demanded to know their theories. 'Tell 'em Newt.'

'It's a girl.' He said.

Everyone started talking at once, Alby and Newt glanced nervously at one another as they awaited the inevitable. The second problem with this new greenie.

'A girl?'

'I call dibs!'

'Me too!'

'Shut your hole, shuck-face!'

'What does she look like?'

'How old is she?'

'Is she hot?'

'Why is she here?'

Alby and Newt felt like they were drowning in a sea of confusion. This changed every logical element of what they knew that every month a new boy would enter through the shaft. That was the only thing they could be sure of in the Glade, and even that consistency accurate enough.

Alby shushed them again. He was the only one who had noticed the look of horror present on Newt's face as he inspected the girl.

'That's only the bloody half of it.' He said and pointed into the box, 'I think she's dead.'

The ropes were lowered into the box to help Newt out, after Alby had inspected the body for any sign of what was the problem. Shock lingered among the Gladers as they all held their breath, some were kicking loose rocks or murmuring amongst themselves

With one tug, the girl was removed from the box, a few boys murmuring with surprise at how light she was compared to most of the boys. Alby and Newt were hoisted out after her, then Newt flung the girl's lifeless body over his shoulders.

But Brianna wasn't dead, her body was lifeless, but she still had the ability to think, even though her muscles wouldn't obey her. She felt a pair of strong, muscular arms wrap around her waist and cradle her unresponsive body close to his chest. Brianna was breathing, but barely, so she managed to inhale his strong scent, but it relaxed her senses and knocked her back to reality.

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