Chapter 40

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Following from last time's chapter, I've been writing furiously to keep on top of it because it was so tense!
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Tears flowed down her eyes as she walked away, slowly at first, before developing into a run, like she was in the maze again.

'Brianna!' Newt was furious now, since she was disregarding his pain as it it was nothing and ignoring him. He just wanted the truth from his girlfriend and her attention. She knew it made him uncomfortable when she was with Thomas, but she did it anyway. Newt decided it was verging on selfishness.

Sighing heavily, Brianna spun around. She eyes widened as Newt's fierce eyes met Brianna's and she looked at him in shock.

'Brianna just stop it, ok? I know what I saw and I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT THIS AGAIN!' He shouted in her face.

Brianna kept walking backwards and tripped over in terror, flinching away violently as she saw his hand rise, but all he did was put it on the back of his neck stressfully.

Newt's face fell drastically as he looked at Brianna in shock, his eyes softening. He knelt down next to her and whispered gently, 'You thought I was going to hit you?'

Brianna ignored him stubbornly, biting her lip to keep the tears and sobs in. His strong, large hand cupped Brianna's jaw and gently lifting it upwards, forcing her to look into his eyes. Despite him now being soft and gentle, Brianna still quaked with fear and flinched under his touch, causing Newt more pain than he ever had under the assumption that she was cheating.

'Brianna...?' He said softly, his eyes pained. She shook her head, still shaking in fear and rose to her feet, trying not to look at him as she did so. The Glade was silent, people pretending to work, but watching out of the corners of their eyes. Thomas was the only one who was obviously intently watching them in confusion and guilt. If Newt had hit Brianna, most of them would have intervened, but as he hadn't, the Gladers left them to their privacy. 'You know that I would never, ever hit you, right?'

'I thought so, Newt, but you were so terrifying. I just didn't know what to expect.' Brianna admitted quietly and his hand returned to her cheek, lovingly cupping it with his hand.

'I'm so sorry, Brianna. It's just that you spend less time with me and more with them and this whole Save Newt thing is really beginning to affect me. I just get worried that I'll loose you. I'm so sorry.'

'I'm sorry for making you feel that way and I forgive you. Just give me some space, please?' Brianna mumbled and Newt nodded once. Sending him a small, playful smile, Brianna spun on her heel to leave. Newt didn't follow her because he knew she wanted privacy and to talk to some friends and laugh. Brianna knew that Newt needed some space too.

'Bri?' Came a voice beside her and her head snapped across to stare at Thomas. He was smiling encouragingly at her, hating to see one of his closest friends crying. 'What's wrong?'

'Newt thought that I was cheating on him, but I wasn't.' Brianna said quickly, stumbling over the words between heavy sobs.

Thomas paused for a moment, his mind replaying what she said until he figured out what she meant. He opened his arms and engulfed her in an enormous bear hug, rocking her slightly and kissing her forehead. He brushed away her tears and smiled down at her. 'I'm sorry. Who did he think you weren't cheating on him with?'

At his curious question, Brianna couldn't help but chuckle slightly. 'You.' She stated, making his eyes go wide and releasing her from the hug.

'Oh.' He said quietly, realising that giving her such a hug wasn't appropriate, but he didn't care because she needed it. 'Well, I think we're both in agreement that we only see each other as friends, right?'

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