Chapter 3

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I hope you are enjoying this novel, I can't wait to update, because honestly I'm one of those people that don't plan much and let my mind wander before taking my novel in one direction. But, deep breath, here goes chapter 3.
Hope you enjoy,

Brianna's eyes spring open, adjusting to the amount of light cascading through the crevices of the small hut above her. She squinted, frowning slightly with confusion, as she inspected the room in a daze of bewilderment. She was sure she'd never been there before, but something about the smell of fresh grass, newly turned soil and animals. It was like a farm yard.

The bed on which Brianna lay creaked under her shifting body weight, but she dumbly attempted to hide her dissatisfaction towards the antique wooden bed.

A tall, lanky boy slept soundly opposite her. He was the only person in the room and he was surrounded by shelves of supplies for what she presumed would be for medical purposes. She recognised him, the way his breath scratched as he inhaled as he slept. Then the memories came flooding back: the box, the boys, the field, the boy opposite her that carried her and Save Newt. Still in a daze, she had no clue what that meant and it was beginning to become frustrating.

Save Newt.

She cursed in her mind as she realised she had said it, now all of the boys would think she was some kind of psychotic murderer or completely insane or something like that.

Brianna sat up straight, her eyes wide with shock, as she inspected the boy opposite her. Who was he? Would he question her or kill her and then ask questions? Her heart pounded inside of her chest, but she shook away all doubts and fears, he was just a boy and she knew she had her knife in her pocket ready for the use.

She readied herself to act fast, jump off the bed and run like hell to her nearest exit and out of this prison. Not stupid enough to wake him, her eyes scanned around the room, searching for her nearest exit that she could sneak through without waking the boy. The only exit was directly next to the boy and she realised it would be almost impossible to run without waking him. A lump formed in her throat, suffocating her of any thoughts but this one: she was completely trapped.

Upon hearing her jagged, fearful breathing, the boy woke up and rubbed his eyes as if this was normal. Perhaps this situation was normal to him. His eyes blinked over at her in shock, like a deer trapped in front of a car's headlights. She tilted her head to one side, frowning at him and inspecting his demeanour and appearence.

He had blond hair that casually covered his forehead with a square jaw and dark chocolate brown eyes. She blinked at him twice, realising he was the boy that carried her as he was both tall and quite muscular.

'Oh, you're awake now, 'bout bloody time.' He rubbed his eyes again, stretching his legs before standing up. 'Good that, you were out for bloody hours.'

'Who are you?' Brianna whispered softly, keeping her distance from him, cautious, but realising that his intentions weren't to hurt her. Like a lamb in the room with a lion, she didn't trust his kind facade and shifted closer to the wall, her fingers tightly gripping her blankets, making her knuckles turn white.

'Hey, don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you.' He held up his hands in defence and Brianna relaxed a little, but still kept her distance and wouldn't trust him. 'I'm Newt, I'm kind of second-in-command here, I guess.' He replied, his eyes locked on her, frowning slightly. He had to admit, she was beautiful. But at the same time he was disappointed that she didn't recognise him. He didn't want to remind her of what she wrote on her arm just yet.

'Newt....' She whispered barely audible, her eyes glazing over like she was still in a dream, as she tested the unusual name out on her tongue. It sounded familiar, but at the same time very unfamiliar. Save Newt. She pretended not to remember, for her own sake, as she didn't want him to question her just yet. And she certainly didn't trust him.

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